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What does it mean for a program to be 32 or 64 bit? [closed]




This question: How many bits does a WORD contain in 32/64 bit OS respectively?, mentions that word size refers to the bit size of a processor register - which i take to mean the number of bits that a computer processor operates on / i.e. the smallest 'indivisible' amount of bits that a processor operates on.

Is that correct? Using software like Word/Excel/etc, the installers have the option for a 32bit or a 64bit installation. What is the difference?

Since the computer architecture is fixed, it would seem to me that software that is '32 bit' would be designed to align with a computer architecture that has a 32 bit architecture. And a 64 bit program would make efforts to align instruction sets with 64 bit word sizes.

Is that correct?

A very similar question is asked here: From a programming point of view, what does it mean when a program is 32 or 64 bit? - and the accepted answer mentions that the difference is the amount of memory that can be allocated to an application. But this is too vague - unless 32 bit / 64 bit software as a concept is completely unrelated to 32 bit / 64 bit word processor size?

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Zach Smith Avatar asked May 17 '19 12:05

Zach Smith

People also ask

What does 32-bit or 64-bit mean?

The terms 32-bit and 64-bit refer to the way a computer's processor (also called a CPU), handles information. The 64-bit version of Windows handles large amounts of random access memory (RAM) more effectively than a 32-bit system.

What does it mean when a program is 64-bit?

A 64-bit processor refers to a microprocessor that can process data and instructions in chunks of 64 bits. Microprocessors that can handle 64 bits perform a larger number of calculations per second compared to 32-bit processors.

What does it mean for a program to be 32-bit?

32-bit, in computer systems, refers to the number of bits that can be transmitted or processed in parallel. In other words, 32-bits the number of bits that compose a data element. For a data bus, 32-bit means the number of pathways available, meaning that it has 32 pathways in parallel for data to travel.

2 Answers

Word size is a major difference, but it's not the only one. It tends to define the number of bits a CPU is "rated" for, but word size and overall capability are only loosely related. And overall capability is what matters.

On an Intel or AMD CPU, 32-bit vs. 64-bit software really refers to the mode in which the CPU operates when running it. 32-bit mode has fewer/smaller registers and instructions available, but the most important limitation is the amount of memory available. 32-bit software is generally limited to using between 2GB and just under 4GB of memory.

Each byte of memory has a unique address, which is not very different from each house having a unique postal address. A memory address is just a number that a program can use to find a piece of data again once it has saved it in memory, and each byte of memory has to have an address. If an address is 32 bits, then there are 2^32 possible addresses, and that means 2^32 addressable bytes of memory. On today's Intel/AMD CPUs, the size of a memory address is the same as the size of the registers (although this wasn't always true).

With 32 bit addresses, 4GB (2^32 bytes) can be addressed by the program, however up to half of that space is reserved by the OS. Into the available memory space must fit program code, data, and often also files being accessed. In today's PCs, with many gigabytes of RAM, this fails to take advantage of available memory. That is the main reason why 64-bit has become popular. 64-bit CPUs were available and widely used (typically in 32-bit mode) for several years, until memory sizes larger than 2GB became common, at which point 64-bit mode started to offer real-world advantages and it became popular. 64 bits of memory address space provides 16 exabytes of addressable memory (~18 quintillion bytes), which is more than any current software can use, and certainly no PC has anywhere near that much RAM.

The majority of data used in typical applications, even in 64-bit mode, does not need to be 64-bit and so most of it is still stored in 32-bit (or even smaller) formats. The common ASCII and UTF-8 representations of text use 8-bit data formats. If the program needs to move a large block of text from one place to another in memory, it may try to do it 64 bits at a time, but if it needs to interpret the text, it will probably do it 8 bits at a time. Similarly, 32 bits is a common size for integers (maximum range of +/- 2^31, or approximately +/- 2.1 billion). 2.1 billion is enough range for many uses. Graphics data is usually naturally represented pixel by pixel, and each pixel, usually, contains at most 32 bits of data.

There are disadvantages to using 64-bit data needlessly. 64-bit data takes up more space in memory, and more space in the CPU cache (very fast memory used by the CPU for short-term storage). Memory can only transfer data at a maximum rate, and 64-bit data is twice as big. This can reduce performance if used wastefully. And if it's necessary to support both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of software, using 32-bit values where possible can reduce the differences between the two versions and make development easier (doesn't always work out that way, though).

Prior to 32-bit, the address and word size were usually different (e.g. 16-bit 8086/88 with 20-bit memory addresses but 16-bit registers, or 8-bit 6502 with 16-bit memory addresses, or even early 32-bit ARM with 26-bit addresses). While no programmer ever turned up their nose at better registers, memory space was usually the real driving force for each advancing generation of technology. This is because most programmers rarely work directly with registers, but do work directly with memory, and memory limitations directly cause unpleasantness for the programmer, and in the 32-bit to 64-bit case, for the user as well.

To sum up, while there are real and important technological differences between the various bit sizes, what 32-bit or 64-bit (or 16-bit or 8-bit) really means is simply a collection of capabilities that tend to be associated with CPUs of a particular technological generation, and/or software that takes advantage of those capabilities. Word length is a part of that, but not the only, or necessarily the most important part.

Source: Have been programmer through all these technological eras.

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fluffysheap Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 11:10


The answer you reference describes benefits of 64-bit over 32-bit. As far as what's actually different about the program itself, it depends on your perspective.

Generally speaking, the program source code does not have to be different at all. Most programs can be written so that they compile perfectly well as either 32-bit or 64-bit programs, as controlled by appropriate choice of compiler and / or compiler options. There is often some impact on the source, however, in that a (C) compiler targeting 64-bit may choose to define its types differently. In particular, long int is ubiquitously 32 bits wide on 32-bit platforms, but it is 64 bits wide on many (but not all) 64-bit platforms. This can be a source of bugs in code that makes unwarranted assumptions about such details.

The main differences are all in the binary. 64-bit programs make use of the full instruction sets of their 64-bit target CPUs, which invariably contain instructions that 32-bit counterpart CPUs do not contain. They will use registers that 32-bit counterpart CPUs do not have. They will use function-call conventions appropriate for their target CPU, which often means passing more arguments in registers than 32-bit programs do. Use of these and other facilities of 64-bit CPUs affords functional advantages such as the ability to use more memory and (sometimes) improved performance.

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John Bollinger Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 10:10

John Bollinger