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What does it mean for a breakpoint to be installed?

The documentation for Eclipse states that a blue circle icon represents an

enabled line breakpoint

and that a checkmark is an

adornment that marks a line breakpoints as installed

What's the difference between active, installed and enabled, when referring to breakpoints? Is installed -- in this case -- an Eclipse-specific definition?

like image 618
Pops Avatar asked Nov 25 '09 19:11


People also ask

What is the purpose of a breakpoint?

Breakpoints are one of the most important debugging techniques in your developer's toolbox. You set breakpoints wherever you want to pause debugger execution. For example, you may want to see the state of code variables or look at the call stack at a certain breakpoint.

What is breakpoint in IDE?

Line breakpoints: suspend the program upon reaching the line of code where the breakpoint was set. This type of breakpoints can be set on any executable line of code.

What does a breakpoint do in Pycharm?

Breakpoints are special markers that suspend program execution at a specific point. This lets you examine the program state and behavior.

1 Answers

This thread (2002!) has a good explanation for installed breakpoints

Blue breakpoints mean that the breakpoint is not installed.
In older builds, a green icon means that the breakpoint was successfully installed.
An installed breakpoint means that the class has been loaded in the target VM and a breakpoint request has been successfully created at the desired location (for a line breakpoint) for the current debug target.

In the current builds, an installed breakpoint is indicated with a small checkmark overlay icon on top of the blue "base" icon. http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/topic/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/images/org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui/ovr16/installed_ovr.png

A breakpoint may not been installed:

  • when the class is not loaded (or not yet loaded)
  • our breakpoint location verifier fails to identify a non-executable line of code and lets you place a breakpoint on that line.
  • when you run instead of debug.

As mentioned in jdt documentation:

  • An enabled breakpoint causes a thread to suspend whenever the breakpoint is encountered. Enabled breakpoints are drawn with a blue circle http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/topic/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/images/org.eclipse.debug.ui/obj16/brkp_obj.png and have a checkmark overlay once successfully installed. A breakpoint can only be installed when the class the breakpoint is located in has been loaded by the VM.
  • A disabled breakpoint will not cause threads to suspend. Disabled breakpoints are drawn with a white circle http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/topic/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/images/org.eclipse.debug.ui/obj16/brkpd_obj.png.
like image 188
VonC Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
