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What Does Intent.putExtra will do

I am new to android and I use intents to transfer data from one Activity to another. I just wanted to know whether the object reference or object copy is sending to the second Activity.

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Software Sainath Avatar asked Apr 05 '13 05:04

Software Sainath

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What is the use of intent putExtra?

Using putExtra() and getExtras() in android For example an Activity can send an Intents to the Android system which starts another Activity . putExtra() adds extended data to the intent. It has two parameters, first one specifies the name which of the extra data,and the second parameter is the data itself.

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PutExtra() - we can store any primitive data type directly with (key,value) pair. And PutExtras() - hold object of Bundle class object . Bundle class provide us method of specific primitive data type methods to store data in it.

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1 Answers

Intent.putExtra sends a copy of the object it is not the same reference when you get the extra from the intent you make the new reference there

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JRowan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
