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What does '#include <stdio.h>' really do in a C program


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What does the fox say Meaning?

Speaking of the meaning of the song, Vegard characterizes it as coming from "a genuine wonder of what the fox says, because we didn't know". Although interpreted by some commentators as a reference to the furry fandom, the brothers have stated they did not know about its existence when producing "The Fox".

What does a real fox say?

One of the most common fox vocalizations is a raspy bark. Scientists believe foxes use this barking sound to identify themselves and communicate with other foxes. Another eerie fox vocalization is a type of high-pitched howl that's almost like a scream.

How can I identify a song by sound?

On your phone, touch and hold the Home button or say "Hey Google." Ask "What's this song?" Play a song or hum, whistle, or sing the melody of a song. Hum, whistle, or sing: Google Assistant will identify potential matches for the song.

I am new to c programming and I was coding some simple programs "Hello world" style.

In all of these programs I put #include<stdio.h> in the top but I am not sure what this means exactly. I googled it and I found that stdio.h is a file that has commands for the preprocessor, but what is a preprocessor? I thought when I write code, I compile it and my code transforms to a form that a "computer" can read and then I can run it. Can somebody explain to me what the usage of this command is?