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What does 'foo' really mean? [closed]

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What does foo mean in it?

Foo (pronounced FOO) is a term used by programmers as a placeholder for a value that can change, depending on conditions or on information passed to the program. Foo and other words like it are formally known as metasyntactic variables.

What is the deal with the foo Bar?

What Does Foobar Mean? Foobar is a slang term used in the IT world as a placeholder to refer to generic examples or temporary files or programs that are to be deleted.

Why is it called foo?

According to an Internet Engineering Task Force RFC, the word FOO originated as a nonsense word with its earliest documented use in the 1930s comic Smokey Stover by Bill Holman.

What does foo and bar means?

In the world of computer programming, "foo" and "bar" are commonly used as generic examples of the names of files, users, programs, classes, hosts, etc. Thus, you will frequently encounter them in manual (man) pages, syntax descriptions, and other computer documentation.

See: RFC 3092: Etymology of "Foo", D. Eastlake 3rd et al.

Quoting only the relevant definitions from that RFC for brevity:

  1. Used very generally as a sample name for absolutely anything, esp. programs and files (esp. scratch files).
  1. First on the standard list of metasyntactic variables used in syntax examples (bar, baz, qux, quux, corge, grault, garply, waldo, fred, plugh, xyzzy, thud). [JARGON]

foo is used as a place-holder name, usually in example code to signify that the object being named, or the choice of name, is not part of the crux of the example. foo is often followed by bar, baz, and even bundy, if more than one such name is needed. Wikipedia calls these names Metasyntactic Variables. Python programmers supposedly use spam, eggs, ham, instead of foo, etc.

There are good uses of foo in SA.

I have also seen foo used when the programmer can't think of a meaningful name (as a substitute for tmp, say), but I consider that to be a misuse of foo.

As definition of "Foo" has lot's of meanings:

  • bar, and baz are often compounded together to make such words as foobar, barbaz, and foobaz. www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Metasyntactic-variable

  • Major concepts in CML, usually mapped directly onto XMLElements (to be discussed later). wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/cml/

  • Measurement of the total quantity of pasture in a paddock, expressed in kilograms of pasture dry matter per hectare (kg DM/ha) www.lifetimewool.com.au/glossary.aspx

  • Forward Observation Officer. An artillery officer who remained with infantry and tank battalions to set up observation posts in the front lines from which to observe enemy positions and radio the coordinates of targets to the guns further in the rear. members.fortunecity.com/lniven/definition.htm

  • is the first metasyntactic variable commonly used. It is sometimes combined with bar to make foobar. This suggests that foo may have originated with the World War II slang term fubar, as an acronym for fucked/fouled up beyond all recognition, although the Jargon File makes a pretty good case ... explanation-guide.info/meaning/Metasyntactic-variable.html

  • Foo is a metasyntactic variable used heavily in computer science to represent concepts abstractly and can be used to represent any part of a ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOo

  • Foo is the world of dreams (no its not) in Obert Skye's Leven Thumps series. Although it has many original inhabitants, most of its current dwellers are from Reality, and are known as nits. ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foo (place)

  • Also foo’. Representation of fool (foolish person), in a Mr. T accent en.wiktionary.org/wiki/foo

Resource: google

It's a metasyntactic variable.

foo = File or Object. It is used in place of an object variable or file name.