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What does flushing the buffer mean?

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What does it mean to flush the buffer in C++?

A buffer flush is the transfer of computer data from a temporary storage area to the computer's permanent memory. For instance, if we make any changes in a file, the changes we see on one computer screen are stored temporarily in a buffer.

Is flushing the buffer necessary?

When reading a file, no flushing is required, so you won't even find a flush()method in a Reader kind of class. For all your output files, you might discover that the buffers don't get flushed, so the file will be incomplete and you may not see the output.

Why do you need to flush the buffer C?

Use the fflush Function to Flush stdout Output Stream in C As a result, there are buffers maintained by the C library for handling the input/output operations when using the stdio function calls. If the user needs to force writing to kernel buffers, it needs to flush the given stream provided by the fflush function.

When should you flush a buffer C?

Clearing input buffer in C/C++ The function fflush(stdin) is used to flush or clear the output buffer of the stream. When it is used after the scanf(), it flushes the input buffer also. It returns zero if successful, otherwise returns EOF and feof error indicator is set.

Consider writing to a file. This is an expensive operation. If in your code you write one byte at a time, then each write of a byte is going to be very costly. So a common way to improve performance is to store the data that you are writing in a temporary buffer. Only when there is a lot of data is the buffer written to the file. By postponing the writes, and writing a large block in one go, performance is improved.

With this in mind, flushing the buffer is the act of transferring the data from the buffer to the file.

Does this clear the buffer by deleting everything in it or does it clear the buffer by outputting everything in it?

The latter.

You've quoted the answer:

Output buffers can be explicitly flushed to force the buffer to be written.

That is, you may need to "flush" the output to cause it to be written to the underlying stream (which may be a file, or in the examples listed, a terminal).

Generally, stdout/cout is line-buffered: the output doesn't get sent to the OS until you write a newline or explicitly flush the buffer. The advantage is that something like std::cout << "Mouse moved (" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")" << endl causes only one write to the underlying "file" instead of six, which is much better for performance. The disadvantage is that a code like:

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    std::cout << ".";
    sleep(1); // or something similar

std::cout << "\n";

will output ..... at once (for exact sleep implementation, see this question). In such cases, you will want an additional << std::flush to ensure that the output gets displayed.

Reading cin flushes cout so you don't need an explicit flush to do this:

std::string colour;
std::cout << "Enter your favourite colour: ";
std::cin >> colour;

Clear the buffer by outputting everything.