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What does double colon in laravel means

Example :


I dont get what double colon (::) notation means in laravel framework. from http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.paamayim-nekudotayim.php I learn that it stand for scope resolution operator to access static, constant and overridden properties or methods of a class. but from laravel I learn that Auth means the alias for class facade so I need an explanation of the example above especially guard(parameter)->guest() means.
I'm still new to php and now learning laravel framework for my back-end.

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Jsnow Avatar asked Aug 29 '16 04:08


People also ask

What does the double colon mean in PHP?

The Scope Resolution Operator (also called Paamayim Nekudotayim) or in simpler terms, the double colon, is a token that allows access to static, constant, and overridden properties or methods of a class. When referencing these items from outside the class definition, use the name of the class.

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The double colon ( :: ) may refer to: an analogy symbolism operator, in logic and mathematics. a notation for equality of ratios. a scope resolution operator, in computer programming languages.

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Using the ::class keyword in Laravel Since PHP 5.5 the class keyword is used for class name resolution. This means it returns the fully qualified ClassName. This is extremely useful when you have namespaces, because the namespace is part of the returned name.

What does :: class mean in PHP?

Since PHP 5.5, the class keyword is also used for class name resolution. You can get a string containing the fully qualified name of the ClassName class by using ClassName::class. This is particularly useful with namespaced classes.

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Double colon (::) operator in Java. The double colon (::) operator, also known as method reference operator in Java, is used to call a method by referring to it with the help of its class directly. They behave exactly as the lambda expressions.

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2 Answers

You are likely encountering this as a way of accessing a static method or property of a class.

For example:

class Foo
    public static function bar()
      return "bar";

Foo::bar // access the bar method without instantiating the Foo class.
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Brad Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 06:09


:: Scope Resolution Operator

:: is called as scope resolution operator (AKA Paamayim Nekudotayim). This operator is used to refer the scope of some block or program context like classes, objects, namespace and etc. For this reference an identifier is used with this operator to access or reproduce the code inside that scope.


Auth::guard($guard)->guest() : In this line you are using the guard() method of static class Auth. To use the function of a static class we use :: Scope Resolution Operator.

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Mayank Pandeyz Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Mayank Pandeyz