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What does -> do in clojure?



I have seen the clojure symbol -> used in many places, but I am unsure as to what this symbol is called and does, or even whether it is part of standard clojure. Could someone explain this to me?

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yazz.com Avatar asked Jan 02 '11 16:01


People also ask

What does arrow mean in Clojure?

It has no syntactic meaning. It is just part of the symbol name. In Lisps, the arrow -> (or even just '>') is often used to imply conversion of, or casting of, one type into another.

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In Common Lisp, a "symbol" is a location in memory, a place where data can be stored. The "value" of a symbol is the data stored at that location in memory. In Clojure, a "symbol" is just a name. It has no value.

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Clojure has a programmatic macro system which allows the compiler to be extended by user code. Macros can be used to define syntactic constructs which would require primitives or built-in support in other languages. Many core constructs of Clojure are not, in fact, primitives, but are normal macros.

1 Answers

-> uses the result of a function call and send it, in sequence, to the next function call.

So, the easier example would be:

 (-> 2 (+ 3)) 

Returns 5, because it sends 2, to the next function call (+ 3)

Building up on this,

(-> 2    (+ 3)    (- 7)) 

Returns -2. We keep the result of the first call, (+ 3) and send it to the second call (- 7).

As noted by @bending, the accepted answer would have been better showing the doto macro.

(doto person   (.setFName "Joe")   (.setLName "Bob")   (.setHeight [6 2])) 
like image 170
Nicolas Modrzyk Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09

Nicolas Modrzyk