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What does +(?!\d) in regex mean?



I have also seen it as +$.

I am using

$(this).text( $(this).text().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,") );

To convert 10000 into 10,000 etc.

I think I understand everything else:

  • (\d) - find number
  • (?=\d{3}) - if followed by 3 numbers
  • '+' - don't stop after first find
  • (?!\d) - starting from the last number?
  • /g - for the whole string
  • ,"$1," - replace number with self and comma
like image 679
seanjacob Avatar asked Jul 25 '12 11:07


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2 Answers

I think you're slightly misreading it:

  • (?=\d{3}) - if followed by 3 numbers

Note that the regexp is actually:


i.e. you've missed an open paren. The entire of the following:


is within the (?= ... ), which is a zero-width lookahead assertion—a nice way of saying that the stuff within should follow what we've matched so far, but we don't actually consume it.

The (?!\d) says that a \d (i.e. number) should not follow, so in total:

  • (\d) find and capture a number.
  • (?=(\d{3})+(?!\d)) assert that one or more groups of three digits should follow, but they should not have yet another digit following them all.

We replace with "$1,", i.e. the first number captured and a comma.

As a result, we place commas after digits which have multiples of three digits following, which is a nice way to say we add commas as thousand separators!

like image 63
Asherah Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10


?! means Negative lookahead , it is used to match something not followed by something else, in your case a digit

like image 35
M. Abbas Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 21:10

M. Abbas