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What does Concurrency Diagram Menu in IntelliJ IDEA mean?

In IntelliJ IDEA (15.0.5), on a class name, I see a window icon, clicking upon which brings up this popup menu:

enter image description here

Does anyone know what "Concurrency Diagram for [class name]" is supposed to do? When I actually select the menu item, it shows:

Error running [class name]: Cannot find runner for [class name].

like image 725
Kedar Mhaswade Avatar asked Apr 08 '16 20:04

Kedar Mhaswade

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What is the context menu in IntelliJ IDEA?

The rest of the context menu is available on the diagram toolbar. IntelliJ IDEA follows the UML conventions in showing relationships between the classes. Besides that, IntelliJ IDEA supports the following colors and arrows: The green arrow corresponds to the implements clause in a class declaration.

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IntelliJ IDEA displays only the specified dependency scope. In Android and Kotlin projects IntelliJ IDEA supports only the default visibility level. Click this icon to add borders to the nodes in your diagram. Click this icon to increase the scale of the diagram. Alternatively, press NumPad+. Click this icon to decrease the scale of the diagram.

How do I change the visibility level in IntelliJ IDEA?

In Android and Kotlin projects IntelliJ IDEA supports only the default visibility level. Click this icon to add borders to the nodes in your diagram. Click this icon to increase the scale of the diagram. Alternatively, press NumPad+. Click this icon to decrease the scale of the diagram. Alternatively, press NumPad-.

1 Answers

Looks like it's a Python specific feature. There seems to be a bug that when Cucumber is enabled for the project the menu option appears, even when it's not Python.

like image 145
Bas Leijdekkers Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Bas Leijdekkers