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What does boto stand for




What does Boto stand for in the context of AWS? It seems like a random word to choose for an api name. Is it an acronym? I have tried googling around and see no indication of what it could mean.

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user3726494 Avatar asked Jun 13 '18 18:06


People also ask

What does AWS Boto mean?

Boto is a Python package that provides interfaces to AWS including Amazon S3. For more information about Boto, go to the AWS SDK for Python (Boto) . The getting started link on this page provides step-by-step instructions to get started.

Why is Boto named Boto?

Boto derives its name from the Portuguese name given to types of dolphins native to the Amazon River.

What is Boto used for?

Boto allows you to write scripts to automate things like starting AWS EC2 instances. Boto is a Python package that provides programmatic connectivity to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Why is it called Boto 3?

Boto3 is maintained and published by Amazon Web Services. Boto (pronounced boh-toh) was named after the fresh water dolphin native to the Amazon river. The name was chosen by the author of the original Boto library, Mitch Garnaat, as a reference to the company.

2 Answers

Boto derives its name from the Portuguese name given to types of dolphins native to the Amazon River.

SO, I don't think it stands for anything or it has full form. Though this could only be best answered by the Team of AWS, who has come up with this name, but documentation suggests, what I have written at the start.

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Its just catchy name and has some link the Amazon and the Amazon River

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Red Boy Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10

Red Boy

From internal Wiki:

The Boto was named after it because it swims in the Amazon, and all the good river and city names were already taken.

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Yar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09
