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What does "all" stand for in a makefile?



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What does the special symbol mean in makefile $@ $<?

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What is $@ $< in makefile?

The $@ and $< are called automatic variables. The variable $@ represents the name of the target and $< represents the first prerequisite required to create the output file. For example: hello.o: hello.c hello.h gcc -c $< -o $@ Here, hello.o is the output file.

What are the three parts of a makefile rule?

A makefile consists of three sections: target, dependencies, and rules. The target is normally either an executable or object file name. The dependencies are source code or other things needed to make the target. The rules are the commands needed to make the target.

A build, as Makefile understands it, consists of a lot of targets. For example, to build a project you might need

  1. Build file1.o out of file1.c
  2. Build file2.o out of file2.c
  3. Build file3.o out of file3.c
  4. Build executable1 out of file1.o and file3.o
  5. Build executable2 out of file2.o

If you implemented this workflow with makefile, you could make each of the targets separately. For example, if you wrote

make file1.o

it would only build that file, if necessary.

The name of all is not fixed. It's just a conventional name; all target denotes that if you invoke it, make will build all what's needed to make a complete build. This is usually a dummy target, which doesn't create any files, but merely depends on the other files. For the example above, building all necessary is building executables, the other files being pulled in as dependencies. So in the makefile it looks like this:

all: executable1 executable2

all target is usually the first in the makefile, since if you just write make in command line, without specifying the target, it will build the first target. And you expect it to be all.

all is usually also a .PHONY target. Learn more here.

The manual for GNU Make gives a clear definition for all in its list of standard targets.

If the author of the Makefile is following that convention then the target all should:

  1. Compile the entire program, but not build documentation.
  2. Be the the default target. As in running just make should do the same as make all.

To achieve 1 all is typically defined as a .PHONY target that depends on the executable(s) that form the entire program:

.PHONY : all
all : executable

To achieve 2 all should either be the first target defined in the make file or be assigned as the default goal:


The target "all" is an example of a dummy target - there is nothing on disk called "all". This means that when you do a "make all", make always thinks that it needs to build it, and so executes all the commands for that target. Those commands will typically be ones that build all the end-products that the makefile knows about, but it could do anything.

Other examples of dummy targets are "clean" and "install", and they work in the same way.

If you haven't read it yet, you should read the GNU Make Manual, which is also an excellent tutorial.

Not sure it stands for anything special. It's just a convention that you supply an 'all' rule, and generally it's used to list all the sub-targets needed to build the entire project, hence the name 'all'. The only thing special about it is that often times people will put it in as the first target in the makefile, which means that just typing 'make' alone will do the same thing as 'make all'.