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What does a just-in-time (JIT) compiler do?

What does a JIT compiler specifically do as opposed to a non-JIT compiler? Can someone give a succinct and easy to understand description?

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Michiel Borkent Avatar asked Sep 18 '08 18:09

Michiel Borkent

People also ask

What does JIT compiler do?

The JIT compiler helps improve the performance of Java programs by compiling bytecodes into native machine code at run time. The JIT compiler is enabled by default. When a method has been compiled, the JVM calls the compiled code of that method directly instead of interpreting it.

What is just in time JIT compilation in Java?

The JIT compiler aids in improving the performance of Java programs by compiling bytecode into native machine code at run time. The JIT compiler is enabled throughout, while it gets activated when a method is invoked. For a compiled method, the JVM directly calls the compiled code, instead of interpreting it.

What is just in compiler in compiler design?

The compiler is a program that converts the high-level language to machine level code. The Java programming language uses the compiler named javac. It converts the high-level language code into machine code (bytecode). JIT is a part of the JVM that optimizes the performance of the application.

What is the point of JIT?

Just-in-time, or JIT, is an inventory management method in which goods are received from suppliers only as they are needed. The main objective of this method is to reduce inventory holding costs and increase inventory turnover.

2 Answers

A JIT compiler runs after the program has started and compiles the code (usually bytecode or some kind of VM instructions) on the fly (or just-in-time, as it's called) into a form that's usually faster, typically the host CPU's native instruction set. A JIT has access to dynamic runtime information whereas a standard compiler doesn't and can make better optimizations like inlining functions that are used frequently.

This is in contrast to a traditional compiler that compiles all the code to machine language before the program is first run.

To paraphrase, conventional compilers build the whole program as an EXE file BEFORE the first time you run it. For newer style programs, an assembly is generated with pseudocode (p-code). Only AFTER you execute the program on the OS (e.g., by double-clicking on its icon) will the (JIT) compiler kick in and generate machine code (m-code) that the Intel-based processor or whatever will understand.

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Mark Cidade Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09

Mark Cidade

In the beginning, a compiler was responsible for turning a high-level language (defined as higher level than assembler) into object code (machine instructions), which would then be linked (by a linker) into an executable.

At one point in the evolution of languages, compilers would compile a high-level language into pseudo-code, which would then be interpreted (by an interpreter) to run your program. This eliminated the object code and executables, and allowed these languages to be portable to multiple operating systems and hardware platforms. Pascal (which compiled to P-Code) was one of the first; Java and C# are more recent examples. Eventually the term P-Code was replaced with bytecode, since most of the pseudo-operations are a byte long.

A Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler is a feature of the run-time interpreter, that instead of interpreting bytecode every time a method is invoked, will compile the bytecode into the machine code instructions of the running machine, and then invoke this object code instead. Ideally the efficiency of running object code will overcome the inefficiency of recompiling the program every time it runs.

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Craig Trader Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09

Craig Trader