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What do these Xcode 4 debugger icons mean?




I haven't been able to find what these Xcode icons mean. Some you can deduce (cup icon is cocoa, person icon is your code) but other's are more mysterious.

Xcode Debugger NavigatorXcode Debugger NavigatorXcode Debugger Navigator


I was able to find the icon files under:


There's a total of 13 different icons and they are all clearly labeled. In the screenshot that I posted we have:

  • Person icon is User
  • Mug icon is AppKit (or UIKit)
  • Briefcase icon is Frameworks
  • Gear icon is System
  • Morse code icon is Foundation
  • Spider web looking icon is Web

Update 2:

A while back I wrote a blog post that's easier to read: http://jlmendezbonini.com/2013/03/27/Xcode-4-debugger-icons.html

Update 3:

Looks like Apple finally documented it in the Process View Display section. Here's a link to the image:

Strackframe icon group

like image 201
jlmendezbonini Avatar asked May 20 '11 20:05


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1 Answers

Here's a quick screen shot of the folder mentioned. The names explain the meaning of each icon. This is from xcode 5 beta 2. enter image description here

like image 90
smileBot Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10
