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What do these Android logcat warnings mean?

It doesn't seem to impact anything in my app... yet. I'm using the Android support libraries for the first time (my projects to date have not used support libraries), but this is a new project without much in the way of customization yet. Activities were generated by Android Studio 0.9.2 and implement Navigation Drawer.

Running this on a Verizon Samsung Galaxy SIII running Android 4.4.2. Project is set to minSDK of 15 and targeted SDK of 21.

11-21 10:31:18.204    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug I/dalvikvm﹕ Could not find method android.view.ViewGroup.onNestedScrollAccepted, referenced from method android.support.v7.internal.widget.ActionBarOverlayLayout.onNestedScrollAccepted
11-21 10:31:18.204    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug W/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 11400: Landroid/view/ViewGroup;.onNestedScrollAccepted (Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/View;I)V
11-21 10:31:18.204    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug D/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x0000
11-21 10:31:18.204    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug I/dalvikvm﹕ Could not find method android.view.ViewGroup.onStopNestedScroll, referenced from method android.support.v7.internal.widget.ActionBarOverlayLayout.onStopNestedScroll
11-21 10:31:18.204    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug W/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 11406: Landroid/view/ViewGroup;.onStopNestedScroll (Landroid/view/View;)V
11-21 10:31:18.204    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug D/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x0000
11-21 10:31:18.204    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug I/dalvikvm﹕ Could not find method android.support.v7.internal.widget.ActionBarOverlayLayout.stopNestedScroll, referenced from method android.support.v7.internal.widget.ActionBarOverlayLayout.setHideOnContentScrollEnabled
11-21 10:31:18.204    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug W/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 8977: Landroid/support/v7/internal/widget/ActionBarOverlayLayout;.stopNestedScroll ()V
11-21 10:31:18.204    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug D/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000e
11-21 10:31:18.234    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug I/dalvikvm﹕ Could not find method android.content.res.TypedArray.getChangingConfigurations, referenced from method android.support.v7.internal.widget.TintTypedArray.getChangingConfigurations
11-21 10:31:18.234    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug W/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 368: Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.getChangingConfigurations ()I
11-21 10:31:18.234    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug D/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0002
11-21 10:31:18.234    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug I/dalvikvm﹕ Could not find method android.content.res.TypedArray.getType, referenced from method android.support.v7.internal.widget.TintTypedArray.getType
11-21 10:31:18.234    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug W/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 390: Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.getType (I)I
11-21 10:31:18.234    7095-7095/com.myapp.debug D/dalvikvm﹕ VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0002

If I'm guessing (and I am), I'm missing a library that android.support.v7 requires. But I have no idea what or where to find it.

like image 464
Scott Avatar asked Nov 21 '14 15:11


People also ask

What is the Logcat in Android?

Logcat is a command-line tool that dumps a log of system messages, including stack traces when the device throws an error and messages that you have written from your app with the Log class. This page is about the command-line logcat tool, but you can also view log messages from the Logcat window in Android Studio.

How do I read Logcat logs?

View your app logs To display the log messages for an app: Build and run your app on a device. Click View > Tool Windows > Logcat (or click Logcat in the tool window bar).

Can I delete Logcat in Android?

Android developers can log messages for debugging with logcat. You can delete it without worrying about losing any data. The logcat file should only be a couple MB, you can change the size in developer settings.

2 Answers

I would like to add on top of what @Monte Creasor explained. I have had the same issue and consulted this bug report which basically says that the problem might be caused by com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3, on of the main dependencies required to use Android's new Layout capabilities. Try going back to the v7:20.0.0, this should solve the issue as it did for me and this bug report writer.

Actually all you have to change is in the app build.gradle the line:

compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3' or whatever later version you have


compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:20.0.0'

like image 121
ArthurT Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10


These errors occur when you run android studio 1.0 using the sliding drawer sample WITHOUT adding any additional code and using all the defaults the project creation wizard offers. So it would seem to be an Android Studio problem and not a developer coding error.

like image 22
Monte Creasor Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10

Monte Creasor