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What do I need to read to understand how git works? [closed]



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What is git in layman's terms?

Git is a type of version control system (VCS) that makes it easier to track changes to files. For example, when you edit a file, git can help you determine exactly what changed, who changed it, and why.

How do I see my git repository?

You can inspect a Git repository by using the git status command. This command allows you to see which changes have been staged, which haven't, and which files aren't being tracked by Git. You should try and remember that status output does not show you any information regarding the committed project history.


http://www.loria.fr/~molli/pmwiki/uploads/Main/gitmanual.pdf Chap 7

Git From the Bottom Up

For me, the following three resources were very, very helpful, in this order:

  1. The Thing About Git explained why I should even care

  2. Git Magic explained how to get started

  3. Git The Basics [pdf] explained - graphically, and in detail - what happens when I add, remove, merge, etc.

The Git Internals ebook has already been mentioned. I will point out that its author, Scott Chacon, gave a fantastic presentation about git at RailsConf 2008 that covers much the same ground as the book.

Said Scott now maintains http://git-scm.com/, which includes the Git community book, which is more of a usage tutorial than a technical description, but does include both a nice conceptual overview of the git data model in the introductory chapter and a detailed one in its closing chapter.

The US$9 100+ page PDF book from PeepCode called Git Internals is fantastic. It's well written, uses great, clear visuals and is also a quick read. I absorbed as much free online material as I could but this book put me over the top.

To understand how git works you need to read Pro Git book, fully available online for free.

Written by Scott Chacon, one of the guys behind GitHub.

I wrote my opinion about the book in a review at Amazon.

Assume we are living in a pre git era. And you want to write a version control system which is fast and better than the existing vcs. All you need is a great idea. At that moment of time the below article would be of much help.
