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What difficulties have you had with clojure?



I have started building a system with clojure, mainly because I need to use Java libraries. My main problem with Clojure is lack of proper IDE support (getting it to work well with Emacs on Windows was not trivial). I was wondering what difficulties other people have had.

like image 807
yazz.com Avatar asked Dec 15 '10 19:12


2 Answers

Lack of "user friendly" stacktraces (coming from Haskell, it felt like a giant step back), but you get used to it eventually and learn to work your way from slime/swank.

Still having nightmare about the days when we didn't have leiningen (classpath mess, start scripts, dependency "management" hell).

It improved a lot and is improving every release it seems.

like image 72
mpenet Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10


getting bitten by the "lazy bug".

(with-open [file (writer name)]
    (map #(.write file (process %)) (get-data)))

and "the lazy bug" makes your file empty!

ps: the answer is dorun

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Arthur Ulfeldt Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10

Arthur Ulfeldt