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What devices are supported in Android Firebase Test Lab (Only about 16 are listed)

I only see about 16 devices available in Firebase Test Lab and from Google I/O I got the impression that there were going to be more. There was specifically a question asked about this in one of the session Q/A. Are there more devices than the ones listed on the device selection screen and if so, how can they be accessed?

Currently we're using AWS which has several hundred supported devices including devices that are running on distinct networks and I was expecting something a bit more in that ballpark.

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Wayne Avatar asked May 24 '16 20:05


People also ask

How do I see all devices in firebase Analytics?

You can see the device list in Firebase Analytics. In dashboard -> device model click in view device model. You can see list of all the devices with details.

How does firebase test lab work?

How does it work? Test Lab uses real, production devices running in a Google data center to test your app. The devices are flashed with updated APIs and have customizable locale settings, allowing you to road-test your app on the hardware and configurations it'll encounter in real-world use.

Is firebase test lab free?

$5 per hour for each physical device. $1 per hour for each virtual device.

1 Answers

What you see in the console is everything that's available at this moment. It's definitely a priority for the Test Lab team to get more devices on board, but it's not exactly easy to do that at the scale required for the particular set of services that Test Lab provides.

You can also get a list of devices by using the gcloud command line:

gcloud firebase test android models list

If you want to stay up to date with Test Lab and ask questions more directly of the team, consider joining this group.

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Doug Stevenson Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 08:10

Doug Stevenson