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What CPUs are supported with Arduino? [closed]




Is there a table summarizing the differences of CPUs supported by Arduino? What's the lowest power Atmel processor that can be used with an Arduino?

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Mark Harrison Avatar asked Feb 22 '23 08:02

Mark Harrison

1 Answers

Perhaps these are too obvious:

The official hardware page might be what you're looking for; clicking on any version brings up an overview which elaborates on each variant. There's also a list of official hardware on Wikipedia, although it might not be as up to date.

The lowest voltage for any official Arduino MCU is, as far as I know, 3.3 V. I'm not sure about the current; the forum thread Minimizing power consumption seems to elaborate further.

(Update by mh) Based on the table above, the lowest power Arduino-supported chip is the ATmega168 with 16 KB flash and 1K SRAM.

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gamen Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 09:03
