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What count as a Parse request?

Because of the change of Terms, Parse now limits the number of requests a second, which is a good thing but does Parse Push and Parse Analytics count as requests ?

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Tsunaze Avatar asked Jul 01 '14 08:07


2 Answers

Anytime you make a network call to Parse on behalf of your app via the iOS, Android, JavaScript, Windows, Xamarin, Unity, or REST API, it counts as an API request.

This does include things like finds, saves, logins, amongst other kinds of requests. It also includes requests to send push notifications, although this is seen as a single request regardless of how many recipients are targeted. Serving Parse files counts as an API request, including static assets served from Parse Hosting.

Analytics requests do have a special exemption. You can send us your analytics events any time without being limited by your app's request limit, as noted on Parse's Plans page.

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Héctor Ramos Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 07:10

Héctor Ramos

Here is the link to official FAQ - https://parse.com/plans/faq

What is considered an API request?

In general, anytime you make a network call to Parse on behalf of your app using one of the Parse SDKs or REST API, it counts as an API request.

What types of operations are counted as API requests?

Queries, saves, logins, amongst other kinds of operations will be taken into account when determining the number of requests generated by your app. A request to send a push notification sent by a SDK will count as a single request regardless of how many installations are targeted. Batched requests will be counted based on the number of operations performed in each batch. Serving Parse files counts as an API request, including static assets served from Parse Hosting. Analytics requests do not count towards your app's request limit.

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Paulius Vindzigelskis Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 07:10

Paulius Vindzigelskis