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What can POST do, GET can't do? [duplicate]

From what I can gather, there are three categories:

  1. Never use GET and use POST
  2. Never use POST and use GET
  3. It doesn't matter which one you use.

Am I correct in assuming those three cases? If so, what are some examples from each case?

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Thomas Owens Avatar asked Sep 05 '08 19:09

Thomas Owens

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2 Answers

Use POST for destructive actions such as creation (I'm aware of the irony), editing, and deletion, because you can't hit a POST action in the address bar of your browser. Use GET when it's safe to allow a person to call an action. So a URL like:


Should bring you to a confirmation page, rather than simply deleting the item. It's far easier to avoid accidents this way.

POST is also more secure than GET, because you aren't sticking information into a URL. And so using GET as the method for an HTML form that collects a password or other sensitive information is not the best idea.

One final note: POST can transmit a larger amount of information than GET. 'POST' has no size restrictions for transmitted data, whilst 'GET' is limited to 2048 characters.

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Brian Warshaw Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

Brian Warshaw

In brief

  • Use GET for safe andidempotent requests
  • Use POST for neither safe nor idempotent requests

In details There is a proper place for each. Even if you don't follow RESTful principles, a lot can be gained from learning about REST and how a resource oriented approach works.

A RESTful application will use GETs for operations which are both safe and idempotent.

A safe operation is an operation which does not change the data requested.

An idempotent operation is one in which the result will be the same no matter how many times you request it.

It stands to reason that, as GETs are used for safe operations they are automatically also idempotent. Typically a GET is used for retrieving a resource (a question and its associated answers on stack overflow for example) or collection of resources.

A RESTful app will use PUTs for operations which are not safe but idempotent.

I know the question was about GET and POST, but I'll return to POST in a second.

Typically a PUT is used for editing a resource (editing a question or an answer on stack overflow for example).

A POST would be used for any operation which is neither safe or idempotent.

Typically a POST would be used to create a new resource for example creating a NEW SO question (though in some designs a PUT would be used for this also).

If you run the POST twice you would end up creating TWO new questions.

There's also a DELETE operation, but I'm guessing I can leave that there :)


In practical terms modern web browsers typically only support GET and POST reliably (you can perform all of these operations via javascript calls, but in terms of entering data in forms and pressing submit you've generally got the two options). In a RESTful application the POST will often be overriden to provide the PUT and DELETE calls also.

But, even if you are not following RESTful principles, it can be useful to think in terms of using GET for retrieving / viewing information and POST for creating / editing information.

You should never use GET for an operation which alters data. If a search engine crawls a link to your evil op, or the client bookmarks it could spell big trouble.

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reefnet_alex Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
