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What can cause "too many database connections"

My Wordpress website got a "error establishing connection to database" massage.

My host informed me it was because my "user" had too many database connections that were open at once. This caused an error making additional connections, and thus the massage.

This has been corrected by killing deadlocked database connections. There were a number of connections copying data to temporary tables, but the deadlock was caused by a large set of lookups waiting for one update.

Can someone explain to me how this might have happened, and how to avoid it?

(p.s: that WP installation has over 2000 posts)

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Tal Galili Avatar asked Oct 09 '10 22:10

Tal Galili

People also ask

What causes too many connections MySQL?

The MySQL “Too many connections” error occurs when more queries are sent to a MySQL database than can be processed. The error can be fixed by setting a new number of maximum connections in the configuration file or globally.

How many connections can a database handle?

Hi, By default, SQL Server allows a maximum of 32767 concurrent connections which is the maximum number of users that can simultaneously log in to the SQL server instance.

What does it mean when it says too many connections?

This means that the maximum number of clients that may be connected to the server has been reached. Either the client will have to wait for another client to log off, or the administrator will have to increase the maximum number of connections allowed.

2 Answers

One thing I've seen help a great deal with WP and database speed is to clean your database of post and page revisions. WP keeps a full copy of each edit revision, and with 2000 posts, your database could be huge. Run this as an SQL query in phpmyadmin to clear revisions. I've seen databases drop 75% in size and run much faster after clearing revisions. Change the table prefix if you changed it when you installed WP, and run a backup beforehand.

DELETE a,b,c FROM wp_posts a LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships b ON (a.ID = b.object_id) LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta c ON (a.ID = c.post_id) WHERE a.post_type = 'revision'

Then optimize tables after you run that query to finish clearing the revisions, either from the dropdown menu in phpmyadmin to optimize the whole database, or by another query just for the posts table:


Then you can prevent post/page revisions from accumulating again by adding this line to wp-config.php to stop revisions:


Or this line to select the number of revisions to keep:

define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3);

If you have access to your MySQL config file, look into tuning MySQL for better performance with a utility like GitHub - major/MySQLTuner-perl.

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markratledge Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


In a shared hosting environment this behavior will occur sooner or later as your blog starts seeing more traffic - the specifics you mentioned sound like they may be related to poorly-written WordPress plugins (for performance's sake, make sure all your plugins updated along with the WordPress core).

You might also want to consider WP Super Cache if you haven't already.

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danlefree Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10
