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What can cause StaleDataException other than prematurely calling cursor.close()?

I'm currently heavily modifying/rewriting an Android app and I have seen a very occasional crash along the following lines: a CursorAdapter method is called, it calls AbstractWindowedCursor#checkPosition(), and:

02-20 15:03:18.180 E/AndroidRuntime(17143): android.database.StaleDataException: Attempting to access a closed CursorWindow.Most probable cause: cursor is deactivated prior to calling this method.
02-20 15:03:18.180 E/AndroidRuntime(17143): at android.database.AbstractWindowedCursor.checkPosition(AbstractWindowedCursor.java:139)
02-20 15:03:18.180 E/AndroidRuntime(17143): at android.database.AbstractWindowedCursor.getLong(AbstractWindowedCursor.java:74)
02-20 15:03:18.180 E/AndroidRuntime(17143): at android.database.CursorWrapper.getLong(CursorWrapper.java:106)
02-20 15:03:18.180 E/AndroidRuntime(17143): at android.widget.CursorAdapter.getItemId(CursorAdapter.java:220)

The trouble is, we're not closing any Cursors. All our Cursors come from CursorLoaders and in turn are produced by a ContentProvider. We're passing the Cursor into each respective CursorAdapter from the LoaderCallbacks, we're registering the Cursor for notifications in the ContentProvider, we're notifying the ContentResolver from each insert(...), delete(...) and update(...) ... in short I can't find any reason why a Cursor would close while in use.

So: what are the other causes of a StaleDataException?

like image 611
Andrew Wyld Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 15:02

Andrew Wyld

1 Answers

If you are calling Cursor.changeCursor(newCursor), that will automatically close the old cursor for you. This can cause android.database.StaleDataException if anything is still trying to access the cursor.

like image 97
Mike Bruce Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Mike Bruce