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What are your favorite extension methods for C#? (codeplex.com/extensionoverflow)

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What is use of extension methods in C#?

Extension methods enable you to "add" methods to existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or otherwise modifying the original type. Extension methods are static methods, but they're called as if they were instance methods on the extended type.

What are extension methods explain with an example?

In C#, the extension method concept allows you to add new methods in the existing class or in the structure without modifying the source code of the original type and you do not require any kind of special permission from the original type and there is no need to re-compile the original type.

What are the default extension methods in C#?

In C# we already have some built-in extension methods like Union, Where and Zip. Extension methods are static methods, that are always implemented in a static class. They don't need a class object, they can be directly called. In C# we already have some built-in extension methods like Union, Where and Zip.

What is extension method in C# with real time example?

Extension Method Real-time Example: As we know string is a built-in class provided by . NET Framework. That means the source code of this class is not available to us and hence we can change the source code of the string class.

public static bool In<T>(this T source, params T[] list)
  if(null==source) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
  return list.Contains(source);

Allows me to replace:

if(reallyLongIntegerVariableName == 1 || 
    reallyLongIntegerVariableName == 6 || 
    reallyLongIntegerVariableName == 9 || 
    reallyLongIntegerVariableName == 11)
  // do something....


if(reallyLongStringVariableName == "string1" || 
    reallyLongStringVariableName == "string2" || 
    reallyLongStringVariableName == "string3")
  // do something....


if(reallyLongMethodParameterName == SomeEnum.Value1 || 
    reallyLongMethodParameterName == SomeEnum.Value2 || 
    reallyLongMethodParameterName == SomeEnum.Value3 || 
    reallyLongMethodParameterName == SomeEnum.Value4)
  // do something....


      // do something....


      // do something....


if(reallyLongMethodParameterName.In(SomeEnum.Value1, SomeEnum.Value2, SomeEnum.Value3, SomeEnum.Value4)
  // do something....

I have various extension methods in my MiscUtil project (full source is available there - I'm not going to repeat it here). My favourites, some of which involve other classes (such as ranges):

Date and time stuff - mostly for unit tests. Not sure I'd use them in production :)

var birthday = 19.June(1976);
var workingDay = 7.Hours() + 30.Minutes();

Ranges and stepping - massive thanks to Marc Gravell for his operator stuff to make this possible:

var evenNaturals = 2.To(int.MaxValue).Step(2);
var daysSinceBirth = birthday.To(DateTime.Today).Step(1.Days());


var myComparer = ProjectionComparer.Create(Person p => p.Name);
var next = myComparer.ThenBy(p => p.Age);
var reversed = myComparer.Reverse();

Argument checking:


LINQ to XML applied to anonymous types (or other types with appropriate properties):

// <Name>Jon</Name><Age>32</Age>
new { Name="Jon", Age=32}.ToXElements();
// Name="Jon" Age="32" (as XAttributes, obviously)
new { Name="Jon", Age=32}.ToXAttributes()

Push LINQ - would take too long to explain here, but search for it.

string.Format shortcut:

public static class StringExtensions
    // Enable quick and more natural string.Format calls
    public static string F(this string s, params object[] args)
        return string.Format(s, args);


var s = "The co-ordinate is ({0}, {1})".F(point.X, point.Y);

For quick copy-and-paste go here.

Don't you find it more natural to type "some string".F("param") instead of string.Format("some string", "param") ?

For a more readable name, try one of these suggestion:

s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".Fmt("Stack", "Overflow");
s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".FormatBy("Stack", "Overflow");
s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".FormatWith("Stack", "Overflow");
s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".Display("Stack", "Overflow");
s = "Hello {0} world {1}!".With("Stack", "Overflow");


Are these any use?

public static bool CoinToss(this Random rng)
    return rng.Next(2) == 0;

public static T OneOf<T>(this Random rng, params T[] things)
    return things[rng.Next(things.Length)];

Random rand;
bool luckyDay = rand.CoinToss();
string babyName = rand.OneOf("John", "George", "Radio XBR74 ROCKS!");