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What are the VS 2015 Task Runner keyboard shortcuts?

Without any customizations are there default keyboard shortcuts to run grunt or gulp tasks?

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Francis Nepomuceno Avatar asked Apr 15 '15 13:04

Francis Nepomuceno

People also ask

What is the keyboard shortcut for run in VS code?

The Shortcut to Run Code in VS Code In VS Code, you only need to use a shortcut to run your code. That shortcut is Ctrl + Alt + N. There are a few more ways to run code. Pressing F1 and then choosing “Run Code” also works.

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Ctrl + K + D (Entire document) Ctrl + K + F (Selection only) To find out which key bindings apply in YOUR copy of Visual Studio, look in the Edit > Advanced menu - the keys are displayed to the right of the menu items, so it's easy to discover what they are on your system.

What is F12 in Visual Studio?

F12: Open File - Visual Studio Marketplace.

1 Answers

There are no default key bindings for TRX.
Note that you can select the TRX window with Ctrl+Alt+Bkspc, tab to the Task pane, and use arrow keys to select a task, but that's accessibility, not binding.

Consider submitting a Send-a-Smile suggestion describing how you'd like key binding to be implemented; it will be looked at.

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Van Kichline Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10

Van Kichline