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What are the typical use cases of Genetic Programming?

Today I read this blog entry by Roger Alsing about how to paint a replica of the Mona Lisa using only 50 semi transparent polygons.

I'm fascinated with the results for that particular case, so I was wondering (and this is my question): how does genetic programming work and what other problems could be solved by genetic programming?

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splattne Avatar asked Dec 10 '08 08:12


People also ask

What can genetic programming be used for?

About Genetic Programming GP can be used to discover a functional relationship between features in data (symbolic regression), to group data into categories (classification), and to assist in the design of electrical circuits, antennae, and quantum algorithms.

What is the use of genetic algorithm in machine learning?

A genetic algorithm is a search-based algorithm used for solving optimization problems in machine learning. This algorithm is important because it solves difficult problems that would take a long time to solve.

Is genetic programming still used?

All the big companies are now using Neural Nets(NNs) and Genetic Algorithms(GAs) to help their NNs to learn better and more efficiently.

2 Answers

There is some debate as to whether Roger's Mona Lisa program is Genetic Programming at all. It seems to be closer to a (1 + 1) Evolution Strategy. Both techniques are examples of the broader field of Evolutionary Computation, which also includes Genetic Algorithms.

Genetic Programming (GP) is the process of evolving computer programs (usually in the form of trees - often Lisp programs). If you are asking specifically about GP, John Koza is widely regarded as the leading expert. His website includes lots of links to more information. GP is typically very computationally intensive (for non-trivial problems it often involves a large grid of machines).

If you are asking more generally, evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are typically used to provide good approximate solutions to problems that cannot be solved easily using other techniques (such as NP-hard problems). Many optimisation problems fall into this category. It may be too computationally-intensive to find an exact solution but sometimes a near-optimal solution is sufficient. In these situations evolutionary techniques can be effective. Due to their random nature, evolutionary algorithms are never guaranteed to find an optimal solution for any problem, but they will often find a good solution if one exists.

Evolutionary algorithms can also be used to tackle problems that humans don't really know how to solve. An EA, free of any human preconceptions or biases, can generate surprising solutions that are comparable to, or better than, the best human-generated efforts. It is merely necessary that we can recognise a good solution if it were presented to us, even if we don't know how to create a good solution. In other words, we need to be able to formulate an effective fitness function.

Some Examples

  • Travelling Salesman
  • Sudoku

EDIT: The freely-available book, A Field Guide to Genetic Programming, contains examples of where GP has produced human-competitive results.

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Dan Dyer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10

Dan Dyer

Interestingly enough, the company behind the dynamic character animation used in games like Grand Theft Auto IV and the latest Star Wars game (The Force Unleashed) used genetic programming to develop movement algorithms. The company's website is here and the videos are very impressive:


I believe they simulated the nervous system of the character, then randomised the connections to some extent. They then combined the 'genes' of the models that walked furthest to create more and more able 'children' in successive generations. Really fascinating simulation work.

I've also seen genetic algorithms used in path finding automata, with food-seeking ants being the classic example.

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Dave R. Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 17:10

Dave R.