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What are the shortcut keys to change to the next and previous tab in Eclipse on Mac OS X?

I want to be able to switch from one file to another in the Eclipse editor (in the Java perspective) from the keyboard (and bind those key combinations to buttons on my mouse). What are the shortcut keys for switching the current tab to the next or previous?

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Daryl Spitzer Avatar asked Nov 10 '10 23:11

Daryl Spitzer

People also ask

How do I switch between tabs in Eclipse Mac?

CTRL - F6 in Eclipse, like ALT - TAB (on windows), brings up a list of tabs/windows available (if you keep the CTRL / ALT key depressed) and highlights the one you will jump to when you let go of this key.

How do I go back to previous page in Eclipse?

Press Alt + Left Arrow and Alt + Right Arrow like you would in a web browser.

How do I switch to the next tab?

Switch to previous or next tab On Windows, use Ctrl-Tab to move to the next tab to the right and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to move to the next tab to the left.

2 Answers

Mac OS X:



Effectively Cntrl+page up/page down as given in the first comment for @wibbe01's answer.

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Bjorn Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10


According to this thread, switching editors are:

  • Shift+Command+F6
  • Command+F6

, which you can remap to:

  • Shift+Command+Tab
  • Command+Tab

Note, as mentioned in that same thread:

  • Command+E lists all the opened editors, allowing to quickly select one
  • Shift+Command+L lists all the active key bindings.

The bug 86248 helped introduced the Cntrl+ and Cntrl+, which Bjorn Tipling reports working on Mac with a Fn in front of it.

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VonC Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 16:10
