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What are the pros and cons of fs.createReadStream vs fs.readFile in node.js?

I'm mucking about with node.js and have discovered two ways of reading a file and sending it down the wire, once I've established that it exists and have sent the proper MIME type with writeHead:

// read the entire file into memory and then spit it out  fs.readFile(filename, function(err, data){   if (err) throw err;   response.write(data, 'utf8');   response.end(); });  // read and pass the file as a stream of chunks  fs.createReadStream(filename, {   'flags': 'r',   'encoding': 'binary',   'mode': 0666,   'bufferSize': 4 * 1024 }).addListener( "data", function(chunk) {   response.write(chunk, 'binary'); }).addListener( "close",function() {   response.end(); }); 

Am I correct in assuming that fs.createReadStream might provide a better user experience if the file in question was something large, like a video? It feels like it might be less block-ish; is this true? Are there other pros, cons, caveats, or gotchas I need to know?

like image 743
Kent Brewster Avatar asked Jan 04 '11 00:01

Kent Brewster

People also ask

What is the difference between fs readFile and fs readFileSync?

readFileSync() is synchronous and blocks execution until finished. These return their results as return values. readFile() are asynchronous and return immediately while they function in the background.

What is fs createReadStream?

The function fs. createReadStream() allows you to open up a readable stream in a very simple manner. All you have to do is pass the path of the file to start streaming in. It turns out that the response (as well as the request) objects are streams.

What is fs readFile?

It starts reading the file and simultaneously executes the code. The function will be called once the file has been read meanwhile the 'readFile called' statement is printed then the contents of the file are printed.

1 Answers

A better approach, if you are just going to hook up "data" to "write()" and "close" to "end()":

// 0.3.x style fs.createReadStream(filename, {   'bufferSize': 4 * 1024 }).pipe(response)  // 0.2.x style sys.pump(fs.createReadStream(filename, {   'bufferSize': 4 * 1024 }), response) 

The read.pipe(write) or sys.pump(read, write) approach has the benefit of also adding flow control. So, if the write stream cannot accept data as quickly, it'll tell the read stream to back off, so as to minimize the amount of data getting buffered in memory.

The flags:"r" and mode:0666 are implied by the fact that it is a FileReadStream. The binary encoding is deprecated -- if an encoding is not specified, it'll just work with the raw data buffers.

Also, you could add some other goodies that will make your file serving a whole lot slicker:

  1. Sniff for req.headers.range and see if it matches a string like /bytes=([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/. If so, you want to just stream from that start to end location. (Missing number means 0 or "the end".)
  2. Hash the inode and creation time from the stat() call into an ETag header. If you get a request header with "if-none-match" matching that header, send back a 304 Not Modified.
  3. Check the if-modified-since header against the mtime date on the stat object. 304 if it wasn't modified since the date provided.

Also, in general, if you can, send a Content-Length header. (You're stat-ing the file, so you should have this.)

like image 193
isaacs Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10
