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What are the most important features of an IDE for Perl development? [closed]

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What is Perl IDE?

Padre - the Perl IDE Padre is a cross-platform, open-source, free, IDE for Perl, written in Perl, and which is under active development. It's probably the most recommended for most people who don't have a previous preference. Padre, an IDE for Perl written in Perl.

Which text editor can be used in Perl?

Komodo Edit Komodo Edit is very simple to use yet powerful. This editor works very well with Perl language.

The most important feature of an IDE for Perl development (including Padre) is:

an interactive debugger that actually works. E.g. remembering breakpoints, ability to drill down into complicated data structures, and copy (to clipboard) should work on watched variables - including a menu command Copy Special that allows putting it in various formats; say CSV, XML or tab-separated.

The two most invaluable features I find:

  • line-by-line debugging, watchpoints, breakpoints, and so on, so I can properly debug my code.
  • code completion so I don't have to go looking up docs (even online).

OK, here's my third answer, although I hate to say it.

The competition is pretty easy to install. Padre isn't. I tried to update to the latest release today and, once again, got failing tests.

I am a heavy Perl EPIC user and my biggest gripe is not being able to jump to a function that is clearly defined in the current context (usually by pressing F3). It is pretty much hit or miss at this point.

Stability. People turn away quickly if their editor crashes and they lose their work.

I work with Komodo. I also use other editors but I come back to Komodo most of the time. A good IDE shoud have:

  1. A good Debugger. Breakpoints, watch lists, everything you need.
  2. Remote debugging. Threads debugging capability.
  3. Syntax highlighting including weighted fonts as well ( I was pretty disappointed by Oxygen, for example, an XSLT IDE, where I can not use bold fonts to emphasize reserved terms)
  4. Syntax completion.
  5. Project management tools, preferable extendable by plugins.