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What are the main functionality differences between Github Wiki and Readme,

What are the main functionality differences between Github Wiki and Readme,

Asking those that have used both readme and wikis extensively. So that we can better decide which to use for the purpose of outputing verbal information. This would be based on your answer. Thanks.

As examples, some have used wikis --


and some people have used readmes --


no better place to ask? -- meta.stackexchange.com/questions/157888/what-site-is-good-for-github-questions

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ambw Avatar asked Sep 07 '15 02:09


People also ask

What is the function of README?

What is a README File? In simple words, we can describe a README file as a guide that gives users a detailed description of a project you have worked on. It can also be described as documentation with guidelines on how to use a project. Usually it will have instructions on how to install and run the project.

What is GitHub wiki used for?

You can use a wiki to share detailed, long-form information about your project. Wikis are available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server.

What is the use of README in GitHub?

You can add a README file to a repository to communicate important information about your project. A README, along with a repository license, citation file, contribution guidelines, and a code of conduct, communicates expectations for your project and helps you manage contributions.

What are some features that make up a good README?

Typical good readme's contain, homework / project name, links to specific files, listing of which files are important, a sentence or two about what worked as well as what didn't or who worked on the project and can be used to show off your understanding of the required tasks and even the full analysis of the work.

3 Answers

Talking about a project repository :

  • Readme.md is the packaging
  • wiki pages is made for development/contributors documentation
  • gh-pages branch hosts user documentation
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David Jacquel Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10

David Jacquel

Both readme & wiki have no function, except for providing information. Github recommends you to create a README.md to display a short summary & usage of your repository, while the Wiki is totally optional.

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Raptor Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10


I have to cross this bridge today, and in addition to this helpful thread I also found reading up the following helpful

  • https://docs.github.com/en/communities/documenting-your-project-with-wikis/about-wikis
  • https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-readmes

A key excerpt from there that I found useful and to the point

A README should contain only the necessary information for developers to get started using and contributing to your project. Longer documentation is best suited for wikis.

Based on those and the other answers here, it makes sense to be high level in the readme along with all the getting started information (i.e. local setup), and leave the long form information such as application features, design principles, etc. in the wiki.

Another major difference of course is that the readme will get versioned whereas the wiki will not. Versioning of this doc is not a major concern for us, but it could be for you!

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Darpan Kakkad Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10

Darpan Kakkad