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What are the java collections accepts adding null values?

I know Set and Map accepts null values and today I just found out LinkedList also accepts null values like

   map.put(null, 1);

Is there any other collections that allow null values to be stored?. Just posting to get a comprehensive list in one place and reason for each for them.

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Ijaz Avatar asked Jan 25 '23 22:01


1 Answers

Set and Map are interfaces. They have several implementations in Java.

Popular implementations of the Map are:

  1. HashMap - accepts one null key
  2. Hashtable - doesn't accept any null key
  3. TreeMap - doesn't accept any null key
  4. LinkedHashMap - accepts one null key

Any number of null values can be added as value in any of above implementations

Popular implementations of the Set are:

  1. HashSet - accepts one null element
  2. TreeSet - doesn't accept any null element
  3. LinkedHashSet - accepts one null element

Any implementations of List, like ArrayList or LinkedList can accept nulls.

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Giorgi Tsiklauri Avatar answered Feb 07 '23 12:02

Giorgi Tsiklauri