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What are the differences between MPI and OpenMP? [closed]

I would like to know (in a few words) what are the main differences between OpenMP and MPI.

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elenaa Avatar asked Sep 08 '15 17:09


People also ask

Can I use OpenMP and MPI?

MPI and OpenMP can be used at the same time to create a Hybrid MPI/OpenMP program.

How do you know when to use Cuda or OpenMP or MPI?

for beginners in parallel programming,OpenMP is easy and best . cuda is well suited /efficient for large and complex problem. If you looking for performance of your application then go with hybrid i.e OpenMP+ MPI+CUDA.

What is OpenMPI used for?

MPI is a standard library for performing parallel processing using a distributed memory model. The Ruby, Owens, and Pitzer clusters at OSC can use the OpenMPI implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI).

1 Answers

OpenMP is a way to program on shared memory devices. This means that the parallelism occurs where every parallel thread has access to all of your data.

You can think of it as: parallelism can happen during execution of a specific for loop by splitting up the loop among the different threads.

MPI is a way to program on distributed memory devices. This means that the parallelism occurs where every parallel process is working in its own memory space in isolation from the others.

You can think of it as: every bit of code you've written is executed independently by every process. The parallelism occurs because you tell each process exactly which part of the global problem they should be working on based entirely on their process ID.

The way in which you write an OpenMP and MPI program, of course, is also very different.

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NoseKnowsAll Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09
