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What are the differences between in .fsx, .fsi and .fs file in F#?



So I'm starting to learn F# from the tryfsharp.org and I'm using VS2013. What are the differences of the .fs (source), .fsx (script) and .fsi (signature)?

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Kenneth Bastian Avatar asked Apr 25 '14 12:04

Kenneth Bastian

People also ask

What is a Fsx file?

Script written in F# (pronounced "F Sharp"), a functional programming language formally introduced by Microsoft with Visual Studio 2010; can be run with the "F# Interactive" component of Visual Studio; used for scripting F# code instead of compiling it.

How do I run an FSX file?

To execute code interactively, simply type code in an . fsx file, select a block of code, and hit Alt + Enter . The selected code will be evaluated, and the result will show up in the FSI window. In Visual Studio, you can also select code and right-click “Execute in Interactive”, but shortcuts are way faster.

How do I run an AF script?

You can start by creating a new "F# Script" (File -> New -> File...) and then start writing some code (in an assorted order). Then you can select some part of the code and evaluate it in the F# Interactive window by perssing [Alt]+[Enter].

1 Answers

.fsx is for individual files intended to run as a script. In particular, in an .fsx file you can use things like #r "Foo.dll" to dynamically load a library and #load "Foo.fsx" to load another script file.
[Edit: and starting with .NET 5, #r "nuget: FooBar" to load a NuGet package.]

.fs is for source files compiled as part of a project.

.fsi is for signature files, they are optional and describe the API of a corresponding .fs file. More detail here.

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Tarmil Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
