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What are the differences between free, dealloc, release, and autorelease?

Can someone explain the differences between free(), release, autorelease and dealloc?

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ar106 Avatar asked Jul 26 '10 13:07


People also ask

What is Dealloc?

The DEALLOC operation frees one previous allocation of heap storage. pointer-name is a pointer that must be the value previously set by a heap-storage allocation operation (either an ALLOC operation in RPG, or some other heap-storage allocation mechanism).

What is Dealloc in C?

-dealloc is an Objective-C selector that is sent by the Objective-C runtime to an object when the object is no longer owned by any part of the application. -release is the selector you send to an object to indicate that you are relinquishing ownership of that object.

What is autoreleasepool?

An autorelease pool is actually a collection of objects that will be released at some point in the future (either at the end of the thread's run loop or at the end of the scope of an autorelease pool). When a pool is drained, all the objects in the pool at that time are sent the release message.

What method is automatically called to release object?

Before releasing objects, the CLR automatically calls the Finalize method for objects that define a Sub Finalize procedure. The Finalize method can contain code that needs to execute just before an object is destroyed, such as code for closing files and saving state information.

2 Answers

free() is a C function that you use to dispose of no longer needed memory you obtained through malloc() or other function that is documented to require free() to deallocate its memory e.g. strdup().

-dealloc is an Objective-C selector that is sent by the Objective-C runtime to an object when the object is no longer owned by any part of the application.

-release is the selector you send to an object to indicate that you are relinquishing ownership of that object. Once an object is not owned by anybody, it is sent the -dealloc message by the runtime.

-autorelease is a selector you send to an object to indicate you are relinquishing ownership of the object. However if nobody now owns the object the final -dealloc will be deferred until some unspecified later point. In fact, what you are really doing is transferring your ownership to an autorelease pool which will then release it when it is itself released (or drained).

You must never send -dealloc to an object except to super in the object's own -dealloc method.

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JeremyP Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10


Out of the 4 methods you've mentioned you'll typically only use release and autorelease in objective-c. free maybe used when you've used c and malloc otherwise you should use release and autorelease.

dealloc shouldn't be called by any of your code as it can interfere with the retain/release cycle that objective-c uses to keep track of resources. Using dealloc will almost certainly result in crashes at runtime if you ever use it.

The ultimate resource of the use of the release and autorelease is the Apple memory management documentation

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James Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10
