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What are the C# "formatting" standards?

In C#(.NET), what are the regular "formatting" standards?

For instance, for parameter names, so far I noticed camelCase with no prefix, is that right? For object names, camelCase and no prefix either, right?

For namespaces, classes, functions and properties, first letter of the word is capitalized and there is no prefix, is this right (again)?

How are "temporary" objects formatted?


namespace TestNamespace
    class MyOwnCoolClass
        MyOwnCoolClass(int length, BinaryWriter writer)
            BinaryWriter tempbw = new BinaryWriter(length);
            return tempbw;

(Note: This code is not valid, I know, it's just to demonstrate formatting). Thanks!

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Lazlo Avatar asked Aug 12 '09 17:08


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2 Answers

If you use StyleCop, you'll get good consistency with the Microsoft .NET Design Guidelines for Developing Class Libraries. StyleCop also enforces several additional things like spacing, ordering of items in a file, and naming of non-public code elements.

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Sam Harwell Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

Sam Harwell

Full guidelines from Microsoft can be found in the Class Design Guidelines. It's old, but I haven't yet found anything updated on MSDN, and I believe it is still the standard set reccomendations

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David Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10
