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What are the best practices for releasing an open source project? [closed]

We have a pretty cool little web framework that we have used successfully on dozens of client projects. We are planning to release this software to the community. However, I am wringing my hands about what should/should-not go on a new open source software project page. What are the things the site must have? Docs? A Wiki? A link to download? What else?

And, a related but possibly different question is how do we begin marking release numbers. All we use internally is the SVN stamp. Is there a good way to determine when to start calling something version 0.9 versus 1.0 and 1.1 and so-on?

like image 730
Sam McAfee Avatar asked Jan 23 '23 20:01

Sam McAfee

1 Answers

You can get an idea of what's required by what open source project hosting sites provide:

  • A web site which acts as the "one stop shop" for the project
  • Docs, potentially in wiki form
  • A source repository allowing browsing, anonymous checkout, and authenticated and authorised commits
  • Issue tracking and new feature requests

As for version numbers... I don't think anyone's worked out the best way of doing that yet :) With a bare minimum of thought, I'd consider:

  • v1.0 should be ready for production use
  • Major version number changes can completely lose backward compatibility (if necessary - hardly a goal though!)
  • Minor version number changes should usually be mostly compatible - deprecating is probably better than removing/renaming bits of API
  • Smaller-than-minor version number changes should only include minor functional additions (if any) and bug/performance fixes
like image 199
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 13:01

Jon Skeet