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What are the best practices for making online high score lists in JavaScript based games? [closed]


[I know there have been similar questions about preventing cheating on high score lists, but no answer didn't really help me for JavaScript based games, so please try to think about my question, before telling me about similar posts. I ask about best practices because the JavaScript is always visible for the user and therefore it is not possible to prevent cheating completly, I just want to make it harder.]

I'm developing a JavaScript based game that works in the browser. I want to make a high score list that contains the user name and the score of all users. To achieve that the browser sends the username and the score to my server (via AJAX).

Submitting fake scores to this list would be fairly easy: One could take a look at the AJAX requests and then make an own AJAX request with a faked score. Using something like a token that has to be send with the other data is pointless, as it will be easy to discover.

My only approach, that would prevent cheating, would be to send a description of every user action to the server and calculate the score there. But this is not really practicable as it would be too much for the server.

I accepted an answer, but in case anyone has other ideas about how to make cheating harder, please create another answer!

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js-coder Avatar asked Dec 29 '11 16:12


1 Answers

I like to play cheat the cheater - something like using a token to authenticate the score that changes every time the update is called... but I accept the cheat score that gets posted using a duplicate token. Then I display that cheat score to only the cheater, so it appears that it worked, but now the cheater is seeing his results in a sandbox.

like image 59
Matt H Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 11:01

Matt H