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What are the accepted SECURITY_PRINCIPAL formats for LDAP Authentication against Active Directory?


I am trying to authenticate a user through LDAP against Active Directory. Following is the code snippet I use:

private DirContext bindAsUser(String bindPrincipal, String password) {     Hashtable<String,String> env = new Hashtable<String,String>();     env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");     env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, bindPrincipal);     env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, bindUrl);     env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);     env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");     env.put(Context.REFERRAL, "follow");      try {         return new InitialLdapContext(env, null);     } catch (NamingException e) {         e.printStackTrace()     } } 

The code for binding works if I provide:

  • Down-Level Logon Name, i.e. NetBIOSDomainName\sAMAccountName (e.g. domain\username), or
  • userPrincipalName (e.g. [email protected]), or
  • distinguishedName (e.g. CN=username,OU=xxx,DC=abc,DC=com), or
  • objectSid (e.g. S-1-5-21-3623811015-3361044348-30300820-1013)

as the SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, while it failed if sAMAccountName (e.g. username) was used (I guess only the names which are unique within the forest are valid).

So what are the accepted patterns for SECURITY_PRINCIPAL? I searched a few similar questions, but none provide reference to official AD/LDAP documents. Or is it a configuration which I could lookup somewhere? Thanks!

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Fung Avatar asked Apr 02 '13 12:04


People also ask

Which authentication type do you use for LDAP authentication?

This process is called access control. In LDAP, authentication is supplied in the "bind" operation. LDAP v3 supports three types of authentication: anonymous, simple and SASL authentication. A client that sends a LDAP request without doing a "bind" is treated as an anonymous client.

Which LDAP is required for Active Directory?

Your LDAP directory or Active Directory must store, at a minimum, the following data for each user. Each piece of data is contained in an attribute of the directory: Siebel user ID. This attribute value must match the value in the user ID field for the user's Person record in the Siebel database.

How do you authenticate against LDAP?

In order to authenticate a user with an LDAP directory you first need to obtain their DN as well as their password. With a login form, people typically enter a simple identifier such as their username or email address. You don't expect them to memorise the DN of their directory entry.

What is LDAP authentication type?

The LDAP v2 defines three types of authentication: anonymous, simple (clear-text password), and Kerberos v4. The LDAP v3 supports anonymous, simple, and SASL authentication. SASL is the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (RFC 2222).

2 Answers

From [MS-ADTS: Active Directory Technical Specification], the official doc for AD I guess.


Section " Simple Authentication" lists all the name forms supported by simple authentication.

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baldpate Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 22:09


I think you need check LDAP Principal Template. It specifies the principal authentication template required by your LDAP server. The principal authentication template is the format in which the authentication information for the security principal (the person who is logging in) must be passed to the LDAP server. The default value is ${email}, which is the format required by Microsoft Active Directory. Other LDAP servers require different authentication templates. Check with your network administrator to learn more about your LDAP server.

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puma_yagu Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
