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What are the 3 types of JavaDocs for Groovy 1.8?

The Groovy 1.8 docs have 3 types of JavaDocs:

api/ gapi/ jdk/

The jdk/ Javadocs show methods that Groovy adds to Java classes. That's easy to understand.

The JavaDocs in api/ and gapi/ are confusing. They are similar except that api/ has a case-insensitive display of All Classes while gapi/ has a case-sensitive display of All Classes. (The case-sensitive display makes it hard to find things.)

The gapi/ All Classes list has four genXXX entries at the end of the list (that case-sensitive sort again) which don't seem to be in the api/ list.

Does anyone know what the difference is between the api/ and gapi/ JavaDocs?


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Dean Schulze Avatar asked Jun 29 '11 18:06

Dean Schulze

1 Answers

Quoted from Paul King on the Groovy User mailing list

"api" is the result of running javadoc across all of the Java files.

"gapi" is the result of running groovydoc across all of the Java and Groovy files. (Historically this was just the Groovy files but it now runs across both. If Groovydoc was finished we could remove "api" altogether but at least as of now, javadoc has more information in it so we keep both.)

"groovy-jdk" is run across just the "category" files like DefaultGroovyMethods and instead of reporting the Javadoc across the source file reports them across the classes which the category extends. E.g.:

DGM#join(Collection self, String separator)

will be reported as:

java.util.Collection#join(String separator)

which is how it appears to the language user.

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tim_yates Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11
