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What are some web-based knowledge-base solutions? [closed]

I've used a WordPress blog and a Screwturn Wiki (at two separate jobs) to store private, company-specific KB info, but I'm looking for something that was created to be a knowledge base. Specifically, I'd like to see:

  • Free/low cost
  • Simple method for users to subscribe to KB (or just sections) to get updates
  • Ability to do page versioning/audit changes
  • Limit access to certain pages for certain users
  • Very simple method of posting/editing articles
  • Very simple method of adding images to articles
  • Excellent (fast, accurate) searching abilities
  • Ability to rate and comment on articles

I liked using the Wordpress blog because it allowed me to use Live Writer to add/edit articles and images, but it didn't have page versioning (that I could see).

I like using Screwturn wiki because of it's ability to track article versions, and I like it's clean look, but some non-technical people balk at the input and editing.

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Nathan Bedford Avatar asked Aug 05 '08 18:08

Nathan Bedford

People also ask

What is a knowledge base solution?

Essentially, a knowledge base lets you provide helpful troubleshooting content for your customers and team members so they can help themselves on their own time and without having to reach out to other employees or your support agents.

What are the example of knowledge-based?

Examples of knowledge-based systems include expert systems, which are so called because of their reliance on human expertise. The typical architecture of a knowledge-based system, which informs its problem-solving method, includes a knowledge base and an inference engine.

What is a website knowledge base?

A knowledge base is a self-serve online library of information about a product, service, department, or topic. The data in your knowledge base can come from anywhere. Typically, contributors who are well versed in the relevant subjects add to and expand the knowledge base.

2 Answers

I second Luke's answer.

I can Recommend Confluence and here is why: I tested extensively many commercial and free Wiki based solutions. Not a single one is a winner on all accounts, including confluence. Let me try to make your quest a little shorter by summarizing what I have learned to be a pain and what is important:

  • WYSIWYG is a most have feature for the Enterprise. A wiki without it, skip it
  • Saying that, in reality, WYSIWYG doesn't work perfectly. It is more of a feature you must have to get the casual users not be afraid of the monster, and start using it. But you and anyone that wants to seriously create content, will very quickly get used to the wiki markup. it is faster and more reliable.
  • You need good permissions controls (who can see, edit etc' a page). confluence has good, but I have my complaints (to complicated to be put here)
  • You will want a good export feature. Most will give you a single page "PDF" export, but you need much more. For example, lets say you have an FAQ, you want to export the entire FAQ right? will that work?
  • Macros: you want a community creating macros. You asked for example about the ability to rate pages, here is a link to a Macro for Confluence that lets you do that
  • Structure: you want to be able to say that a page is a child of a different page, and be able to browse the data. The wikipedia model, of orphaned pages with no sturcture will not work in the Enterprise. (think FAQ, you want to have a hierarchy no?)
  • Ability to easily attache picture to be embedded in the body of the page/article. In confluence, you need to upload the image and then can embed it, it could be a little better (CTR+V) but I guess this is easy enough for 80% of the users.

At the end of the day, remember that a Wiki will be valuable to you the more flexible it is. It needs to be a "blank" canvas, and your imagination is then used to "build" the application. In Confluence, I found 3 different "best practices" on how to create a FAQ. That means I can implement MANY things.

Some examples (I use my Wiki for)

  • FAQ: any error, problem is logged. Used by PS and ENG. reduced internal support time dramatically
  • Track account status: I implemetned sophisticated "dashboard" that you can see at a glance which customer is at what state, the software version they have, who in the company 'owns" the custoemr etc'
  • Product: all documentation, installation instructions, the "what's new" etc
  • Technical documentation, DB structure and what the tables mean
  • HR: contact list, Document repository

My runner up (15 month ago) was free Deki_Wiki, time has passed, so I don't know if this would be still my runner up.

good luck!

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csmba Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10


I've also been investigating wiki software for use as a KB, but it is tricky to find something that is easy to use for non-technical people. There are many wikis that attempt to provide WYSIWYG editing, but most of the software I've found generates nasty inefficient html markup from the WYSIWYG editor.

One notable exception to this is Confluence which generates wiki syntax from a WYSIWYG editor. This still isn't perfect (show me a WYSIWYG editor that is) but is a pretty good compromise between retaining simple wiki syntax for those who like it and allowing non-technical users to contribute content. The only problem is that Confluence isn't free ($1,200 for 25 user license).

Edit: I also tried DekiWiki and while the UI is nice it doesn't seem to be quite ready for primetime (suffers terribly from the bad WYSIWYG output disease mentioned above). Also seems like they lack direction as there are so many different ways of accomplishing the same task.

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Luke Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10
