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What are some must-read EWDs? [closed]


Dijkstra was one of the most prolific computer scientists. He wrote the famous EWDs. It is not feasible to read them all. But I think there are some we all must read.

Which of them are a must-read?

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Pratik Deoghare Avatar asked Aug 23 '09 12:08

Pratik Deoghare

2 Answers

Funny. I blogged about this: The E. W. Dijkstra Archive (Update). I think this may be pretty important, because it parallels the A Discipline of Programming book.

See also EWD316, A Short Introduction to the Art of Programming.

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S.Lott Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10


I recommend starting with his chapter in "Structured Programming". Not an EWD, technically, but my favorite Dijkstra. I also strongly recommend Stepanov's "Elements of Programming". In my mind, Stepanov is our generation's Dijkstra.

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gonzo_taylor Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10
