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What are some good computer science resources for a blind programmer?

I'm a totally blind individual who would like to learn more of the theory aspect of computer science. I've had an intro data structures class and the general intro programming but would like to learn more on things such as software design, advanced data structures, and compiler design. I want to do this as a self study course not as part of college classes.

Unfortunately there aren’t many text books available on computer science from Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic where I normally get my textbooks. I would appreciate any electronic resources preferably free that could help me get more of a computer science education rather then the newest language or platform that a lot of programming sites appear to focus on.

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Jared Avatar asked Dec 16 '08 10:12


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freeCodeCamp contributor Florian Beijers was born blind. He's able to code using a standard-issue laptop. He uses a piece of software called a screen reader. With it, he can select a line of text or code, and hear its contents read back to him at hundreds of words per minute.

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Code Jumper™ is an incredible innovation that teaches students who are blind or visually impaired computer coding. By putting the block code tactually in your hands, all students can learn together in an inclusive setting.

What is blind programming?

What is “blind coding”? Blind Coding is where a programmer works on code without running it until completion. Normally this is a terrible idea but it makes for a very fun challenge!

1 Answers

You might find the Experiences of a Blind Computer Scientist a good read.

MIT's Open Courseware would be a good resource for you with the amount of videos/audio they have.

Really though, for the core computer-science topics I find it pretty hard to beat some of the better textbooks out there. Some offer digital versions of their book with purchase and some don't. For those that don't, I would just purchase the book and then download via a torrent site a digital e-book equivelant. Since you already own the book I don't think this would be a major problem.

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mmcdole Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
