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What are reference qualifiers for functions? [duplicate]




According to this webpage, a non-static member function can have a trailing & or && in its declaration. They have the following example

struct S {
    virtual int f(char) const, g(int) &&; // declares two non-static member functions

1) Does the signature of the second function include the virtual?

virtual int g(int) &&

2) What is the meaning of the trailing &&?

like image 314
Hector Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 14:03


1 Answers

struct S {
  virtual int f(char) const, g(int) &&;

struct D : S {
  virtual int f(char) const override;
  virtual int g(int) && override;

the above code compiles in both g++ and clang. This indicates, at least in practice, that g is virtual in S.

See What is "rvalue reference for *this"? for your other question.

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Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 00:03

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont