I have a need for processing a relatively complex set of configuration parameters for a java application. The requirements are roughly:
- Nested configuration values with lists, maps, etc. - not just plain key/value pairs
- Multiple configuration files where later configuration files can intelligently override settings from earlier configuration files.
- Multiple references to the same configured item from different places
- Inheritable configured objects, so anew object can copy configuration from a previous object can just change specific things
- Very little code needed for a new configuration options - the optimal would be to just add an @Configurable annotation to a field, or something similar
Now, I know that Spring fulfills all of these in a certain way. However, it has some disadvantages, though none fatal:
- Spring is not really optimized as a configuration language, as it is somewhat more concerned about dependency injection
- The XML configuration files are more meant to be shipped inside a JAR file and not modified by the end user, with all the configurable properties referenced via a separate properties file or similar - where as I need the configuration file to be complete and easily end-user modifiable
- Spring configuration is somewhat tedious when there are online configuration refreshes without terminating ongoing connections and when there needs to be separate configuration checking primitives that need to validate a configuration fully, but not actually do anything
So, I am asking, can you think of any alternatives that would fulfill my requirements?
I sort of like YamlBeans, but it is lacking a few features.
What is cfg4j?
cfg4j ("configuration for Java") is a configuration library for Java distributed apps (and more).
What is common configuration?
Common Configuration Enumeration or “CCE” means a set of unique identifiers to security-related system configuration issues in order to improve workflow by facilitating fast and accurate correlation of configuration data across multiple information sources and tools.
This one looks interesting, though I have to admit I haven't used it: