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What are my free and/or open source options for decompiling class files and JARs? [closed]

I'm familiar with JAD, and haven't found anything newer or better, but I really didn't look that hard because I had previous experience with the JAD tool. However, I might have missed some really good options out there. Did I miss anything good? If so, what is it and what features does it have in comparison to JAD?

like image 468
Thomas Owens Avatar asked Oct 27 '22 04:10

Thomas Owens

1 Answers

I've always used Jad, but there's also a decompiler called DJ that you may want to take a look at:


It has it's own GUI as well. Looks ok.

From Java 5 upwards there's also javap which dissassemble classfiles:


like image 78
Jon Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
