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What are inheritAttrs: false and $attrs used for in Vue?

As the question suggests, I can't figure out their meaning and why I should use it. It's said that it can be used so that when we have many components and we want to pass data from parent to the child's child's child's component, we don't have to use props. Is this true?

It'd be nice If you could provide an easier example. Vue.js docs don't mention much on it.

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Nika Kurashvili Avatar asked May 20 '19 15:05

Nika Kurashvili

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What are Attrs in Vue?

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What is the use of $ATTRS in Vue?

If you are a Vue developer, $listeners can be used more casually. $listeners is used for passing the event to be invoked in a child component. As similar to $listeners, Setting v-bind="$attrs" in a parent component with props can be also used for passing data.

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Have a look at the "Disabling Attribute Inheritance"section of the docs and the api descriptionfor the full details. It's main usage is to define so-called "transparent" components that pass-through attributes. The example given in the doc is a component wrapping an inputelement:

What is the difference between props and attributes in Vue?

Props are meant for actual data while attributes are meant to be used directly in the html of the template. – bernie May 20 '19 at 19:12 3 v-bind="$attrs" will tell vue that you wanna bind attrs supplied to the component to a given tag.

What is the use of pass-through attributes in a component?

It's main usage is to define so-called "transparent" components that pass-through attributes. The example given in the doc is a component wrapping an inputelement:

1 Answers

Have a look at the "Disabling Attribute Inheritance" section of the docs and the api description for the full details.

It's main usage is to define so-called "transparent" components that pass-through attributes. The example given in the doc is a component wrapping an input element:

// Component Vue.component('base-input', {   inheritAttrs: false,   props: ['label', 'value'],   template: `     <label>       {{ label }}       <input         v-bind="$attrs"         v-bind:value="value"         v-on:input="$emit('input', $event.target.value)"       >     </label>   ` })  // Usage <base-input   v-model="username"   required   placeholder="Enter your username" /> 

The required and placeholder attributes are then set on the input instead of the wrapping label.

It doesn't really have anything to do with children of children of components but it can be used in such a hierarchy.

I hope that clears things up for you.

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bernie Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
