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What are good cross-platform Game API?

I am in the process of designing/building a cross-platform game engine in C++. I would like to use an game API that has 2D/3D graphics, input, networking, audio, etc. One API I found that meets many of these requirements except for Audio is Amaltheia. Can anyone suggest an API that meets all my requirements or one that meets most of the requirements that is better than Amaltheia.

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Matt Pascoe Avatar asked Jan 22 '09 19:01

Matt Pascoe

2 Answers

You could look at SDL, it's a popular cross-platform multimedia library used in many games.

Also the Game Programming Wiki is a good source for lists of game programming libraries and engines

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Alo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09


Lots of people are using SFML these days, which is a bit more up to date than SDL.

(Answer edited as SDL finally saw an update since I originally posted this! SFML is still a worthy choice, however.)

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Kylotan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09
