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What are FTL files

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How do I create an FTL file in eclipse?

Create a new folder called lib and add the Freemarker library to it. Add this library to the classpath for your project. If you don't know how to achieve that, please see the Eclipse IDE Tutorial for instructions on the required steps. Create a new folder called templates inside the folder of the com.

How do I use FreeMarker template in spring boot?

Freemarker Template FilesSpring boot looks for the The template files under classpath:/templates/. And for the file extension, you should name the files with . ftlh suffix since Spring Boot 2.2. If you plan on changing the location or the file extension, you should use the following configurations.

Freemarker template files I believe.


FTL stands for FreeMarker Template.

It is very useful when you want to follow the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern.

The idea behind using the MVC pattern for dynamic Web pages is that you separate the designers (HTML authors) from the programmers.

'ftl' stands for freemarker. It combines server side objects and view side (HTML/JQuery) contents into a single viewable template on the client browser.
Some documentation which might help:





http://filext.com/file-extension/FTL points to http://freemarker.sourceforge.net/ , does that help?