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What are differences between redux, react-redux, redux-thunk?

I am using React + Flux. Our team is planning to move from flux to redux. Redux is very confusing for me coming from flux world. In flux control flow is simple from Components -> actions -> Store and store updates back components. Its simple and very clear.

But in redux its confusing. There is no store here, yes there are some examples without using store. I went through several tutorials, it seems everyone has their own style of implementation. Some are using Containers and some are not. (I don't know this Containers concept and not able to understand what mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps does).

  1. Can someone clearly explain how control flow happens in redux ?
  2. What are roles of components/containers/actions/action creators/store in redux ?
  3. Difference between redux/react-redux/redux-thunk/any others ??
  4. It would be very helpful if you can post links to any simple and precise redux tutorials.
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Chetan Motamarri Avatar asked Jul 15 '16 22:07

Chetan Motamarri

People also ask

What is difference between Redux and Redux Thunk?

Redux and redux-thunk can be categorized as "State Management Library" tools. Redux and redux-thunk are both open source tools. It seems that Redux with 49.5K GitHub stars and 12.8K forks on GitHub has more adoption than redux-thunk with 12.6K GitHub stars and 683 GitHub forks.

What is diff between Redux and React Redux?

While Redux can be used with any UI layer, it was originally designed and intended for use with React. There are UI binding layers for many other frameworks, but React Redux is maintained directly by the Redux team.

Why is Redux Thunk better than Redux?

But on the other hand, for bigger projects, Redux-Thunk may sometimes get you in trouble, as it can be hard to scale if your side effect or asynchronous logic increases, whereas in the case of Redux-Saga, it comes power-packed with some amazing things such as concurrent side effects, canceling side effects, debouncing ...

What is the use of Redux Thunk in Redux?

Redux Thunk is a middleware that lets you call action creators that return a function instead of an action object. That function receives the store's dispatch method, which is then used to dispatch regular synchronous actions inside the function's body once the asynchronous operations have been completed.

2 Answers

To answer you title question:

What are differences between redux, react-redux, redux-thunk?

  1. redux: main library (independent from React)
  2. redux-thunk: a redux middleware which helps you with async actions
  3. react-redux: connects your redux store with ReactComponents
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webdeb Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10


  1. Can someone clearly explain how control flow happens in redux ?

Redux has (always) a single store.

  1. Whenever you want to replace the state in the store, you dispatch an action.

  2. The action is caught by one or more reducers.

  3. The reducer/s create a new state that combines the old state, and the dispatched action.

  4. The store subscribers are notified that there is a new state.

  1. What are roles of components/containers/actions/action creators/store in redux ?
  • Store - holds the state, and when a new action arrives runs the dispatch -> middleware -> reducers pipeline, and notifies subscribers when the state is replaced by a new one.

  • Components - dumb view parts which are not aware of the state directly. Also known as presentational components.

  • Containers - pieces of the view that are aware of the state using react-redux. Also known as smart components, and higher order components

Note that containers / smart components vs. dumb components is just a good way to structure your app.

  • Actions - same as flux - command pattern with type and payload.

  • Action creators - DRY way of creating actions (not strictly necessary)

  1. Difference between redux/react-redux/redux-thunk/any others ?
  • redux - flux like flow with a single store, that can be used in whatever environment you like including vanilla js, react, angular 1/2, etc...

  • react-redux - bindings between redux and react. The library offers a set of react hooks - useSelector(), and useStore() to get the data from the store, and useDispatch() to dispatch actions. You can also use the connect() function to create HoCs (higher order components), that listen to the store's state changes, prepare the props for the wrapped component, and re-render the wrapped components when the state changes.

  • redux-thunk - middleware that allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action. The thunk can be used to delay the dispatch of an action, or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met. Used mainly for async calls to api, that dispatch another action on success / failure.

  1. It would be very helpful if you can post links to any simple and precise redux tutorials.
  • Redux official docs

  • Getting Started with Redux

  • Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux

  • Presentational and Container Components

like image 154
Ori Drori Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Ori Drori