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What are better ways to insert element in sorted array in PHP

I've recently send my CV to one company that was hiring PHP developers. They send me back a task to solve, to mesure if I'm experienced enough.

The task goes like that:

You have an array with 10k unique elements, sorted descendant. Write function that generates this array and next write three different functions which inserts new element into array, in the way that after insert array still will be sorted descendant. Write some code to measure speed of those functions. You can't use PHP sorting functions.

So I've wrote function to generate array and four functions to insert new element to array.

/********** Generating array (because use of range() was to simple :)): *************/

function generateSortedArray($start = 300000, $elementsNum = 10000, $dev = 30){
    $arr = array();
    for($i = 1; $i <= $elementsNum; $i++){
        $rand = mt_rand(1, $dev);
        $start -= $rand;
        $arr[] = $start; 
    return $arr;

/********************** Four insert functions: **************************/

// for loop, and array copying
function insert1(&$arr, $elem){
        $arr[] = $elem;
        return true;
    $c = count($arr);
    $lastIndex = $c - 1;
    $tmp = array();
    $inserted = false;
    for($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++){
        if(!$inserted && $arr[$i] <= $elem){
            $tmp[] = $elem;
            $inserted = true;
        $tmp[] = $arr[$i];
        if($lastIndex == $i && !$inserted) $tmp[] = $elem;
    $arr = $tmp;
    return true;

// new element inserted at the end of array 
// and moved up until correct place
function insert2(&$arr, $elem){
    $c = count($arr);
    array_push($arr, $elem);
    for($i = $c; $i > 0; $i--){
        if($arr[$i - 1] >= $arr[$i]) break;
        $tmp = $arr[$i - 1];
        $arr[$i - 1] = $arr[$i];
        $arr[$i] = $tmp;
    return true;

// binary search for correct place + array_splice() to insert element
function insert3(&$arr, $elem){
    $startIndex = 0;
    $stopIndex = count($arr) - 1;
    $middle = 0;
    while($startIndex < $stopIndex){
        $middle = ceil(($stopIndex + $startIndex) / 2);
        if($elem > $arr[$middle]){
            $stopIndex = $middle - 1;
        }else if($elem <= $arr[$middle]){
            $startIndex = $middle;
    $offset = $elem >= $arr[$startIndex] ? $startIndex : $startIndex + 1; 
    array_splice($arr, $offset, 0, array($elem));

// for loop to find correct place + array_splice() to insert
function insert4(&$arr, $elem){
    $c = count($arr);
    $inserted = false;
    for($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++){
        if($elem >= $arr[$i]){
            array_splice($arr, $i, 0, array($elem));
            $inserted = true;
    if(!$inserted) $arr[] = $elem;
    return true;

/*********************** Speed tests: *************************/

// check if array is sorted descending
function checkIfArrayCorrect($arr, $expectedCount = null){
    $c = count($arr);
    if(isset($expectedCount) && $c != $expectedCount) return false;
    $correct = true;
    for($i = 0; $i < $c - 1; $i++){
        if(!isset($arr[$i + 1]) || $arr[$i] < $arr[$i + 1]){
            $correct = false;
    return $correct;
// claculates microtimetime diff
function timeDiff($startTime){
    $diff = microtime(true) - $startTime;
    return $diff;
// prints formatted execution time info
function showTime($func, $time){
    printf("Execution time of %s(): %01.7f s\n", $func, $time);
// generated elements num
$elementsNum = 10000;
// generate starting point
$start = 300000;
// generated elements random range    1 - $dev
$dev = 50;

echo "Generating array with descending order, $elementsNum elements, begining from $start\n";
$startTime = microtime(true);
$arr = generateSortedArray($start, $elementsNum, $dev);
showTime('generateSortedArray', timeDiff($startTime));

$step = 2;
echo "Generating second array using range range(), $elementsNum elements, begining from $start, step $step\n";
$startTime = microtime(true);
$arr2 = range($start, $start - $elementsNum * $step, $step);
showTime('range', timeDiff($startTime));

echo "Checking if array is correct\n";
$startTime = microtime(true);
$sorted = checkIfArrayCorrect($arr, $elementsNum);
showTime('checkIfArrayCorrect', timeDiff($startTime));

if(!$sorted) die("Array is not in descending order!\n");
echo "Array OK\n";

$toInsert = array();

// number of elements to insert from every range
$randElementNum = 20;

// some ranges of elements to insert near begining, middle and end of generated array
// start value => end value
$ranges = array(
    300000 => 280000,
    160000 => 140000,
    30000 => 0,
foreach($ranges as $from => $to){
    $values = array();
    echo "Generating $randElementNum random elements from range [$from - $to] to insert\n";
    while(count($values) < $randElementNum){
        $values[mt_rand($from, $to)] = 1;
    $toInsert = array_merge($toInsert, array_keys($values));
// some elements to insert on begining and end of array
array_push($toInsert, 310000);
array_push($toInsert, -1000);

echo "Generated elements: \n";
for($i = 0; $i < count($toInsert); $i++){
    if($i > 0 && $i % 5 == 0) echo "\n";
    printf("%8d, ", $toInsert[$i]);
    if($i == count($toInsert) - 1) echo "\n";
// functions to test
$toTest = array('insert1' => null, 'insert2' => null, 'insert3' => null, 'insert4' => null);
foreach($toTest as $func => &$time){
    echo "\n\n================== Testing speed of $func() ======================\n\n";
    $tmpArr = $arr;
    $startTime = microtime(true);
    for($i = 0; $i < count($toInsert); $i++){
        $func($tmpArr, $toInsert[$i]);
    $time = timeDiff($startTime, 'checkIfArraySorted');
    showTime($func, $time);
    echo "Checking if after using $func() array is still correct: \n";
    if(!checkIfArrayCorrect($tmpArr, count($arr) + count($toInsert))){
        echo "Array INCORRECT!\n\n";
        echo "Array OK!\n\n";
    echo "Few elements from begining of array:\n";
    print_r(array_slice($tmpArr, 0, 5));

    echo "Few elements from end of array:\n";
    print_r(array_slice($tmpArr, -5));

    //echo "\n================== Finished testing $func() ======================\n\n";
echo "\n\n================== Functions time summary    ======================\n\n";

Results can be found here: http://ideone.com/1xQ3T

Unfortunately I was rated only 13 points out of 30 for this task (don't know how it was calculated or what exactly was taken in account). I can only assume that's because there are better ways to insert new element into sorted array in PHP. I'm searching this topic for some time now but couldn't find anything good. Maby you know of better approach or some articles about that topic?

Btw on my localhost (PHP 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.6 with Suhosin-Patch, AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 620) insert2() is fastest, but on ideone (PHP 5.2.11) insert3() is fastest. Any ideas why? I suppose that array_splice() is tuned up somehow :).


Yesterday I thought about it again, and figured out the better way to do inserts. If you only need sorted structure and a way to iterate over it and your primary concern is the speed of insert operation, than the best choise would be using SplMaxHeap class. In SplMaxHeap class inserts are damn fast :) I've modified my script to show how fast inserts are. Code is here: http://ideone.com/vfX98 (ideone has php 5.2 so there won't be SplMaxHeap class)

On my localhost I get results like that:

================== Functions time summary  ======================

           insert1() => 0.5983521938
           insert2() => 0.2605950832
           insert3() => 0.3288729191
           insert4() => 0.3288729191
SplMaxHeap::insert() => 0.0000801086
like image 523
piotrekkr Avatar asked Mar 01 '12 21:03


1 Answers

It may just be me, but maybe they were looking for readability and maintainability as well?

I mean, you're naming your variables $arr, and $c and $middle, without even bothering to place proper documentation.


 * generateSortedArray()    Function to generate a descending sorted array
 * @param int $start        Beginning with this number
 * @param int $elementsNum  Number of elements in array
 * @param int $dev          Maximum difference between elements
 * @return array            Sorted descending array.
function generateSortedArray($start = 300000, $elementsNum = 10000, $dev = 30) {
    $arr = array();                             #Variable definition
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $elementsNum; $i++) {    
        $rand = mt_rand(1, $dev);               #Generate a random number
        $start -= $rand;                        #Substract from initial value
        $arr[] = $start;                        #Push to array
    return $arr;
like image 186
Madara's Ghost Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Madara's Ghost